Human Faith

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Sent a PM, Alex, without reading your further comments on the job. Sorry to hear that. Keep at it though, there will always be bosses like that, but there are always good ones too...

Best regards and wishes again to your dad. I'm sure you'll both be back on your feet in no time.

Wow, coming in late. Very belated wishes for your Dad's recovery and the Temporary setback in career. Hope all goes well Heinz! Keep the faith!
Just a little update on my old man....

Basically a few days ago the Quaks only just relised hes broken his shoulder blade. Its been 3 weeks and Im really fuming about the whole thing. It sets he work planes back even further because he now needs an operation to pin and screw it back together. Then rehab for it. Most of his job is heavy lifting.

Then today after having another scan we find out he has cracked the shoulder socket too on the underneath side, an uncommon break apparently.

As things go hes pretty lucky but just not really needed..........

Basically a few days ago the Quaks only just relised hes broken his shoulder blade.

Did they take X-rays at the Accident and Emergency Department at the time of the accident Heinz? Forgive me, but being a member of the public health service I can't help but ask!
Thanks guys much appreciated.....:D

Did they take X-rays at the Accident and Emergency Department at the time of the accident Heinz? Forgive me, but being a member of the public health service I can't help but ask!
Nah your right Graeme,

They did take xrays and basically it was hard to get a straight answer. No offence to foreign doctors but its not always that easy to understand. Anyway we were assured there was no break.
Went to a doctor 5 days later he didnt suggest any xrays.
My old man goes to physio and he suggests a scan and ultra sound to double check.
We then find out theres a break and today when we go to the local Docs the socket is cracked.

Surely they could have seen this a few weeks ago.

Going in for some stuff tomorrow and some treatment at the hospital.

I need a good book could be a long day:lol:
thanks jason......

Im completely knackered right now......

Spent 15hours pretty much at clinics and hospital today.
3hours getting and waiting for CAT scans
12 waiting at the hospital just to get specialist to see my old man discuss operation possibilities........

Currently wired on hospital coffee :lol:

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