If you remember our forum member Meatloaf...

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Hope there is.
N4521U , hey Sir, any news from Paul?
N4521U , hey Sir, any news from Paul?
I chat with Paul via video calls pretty regular. He lost all of his hair, beard and head, all of it and looks a bit different to say the least.
Last couple of weeks his face is gettin a bit prickly stubbely. I think he's forgotten how to use a razor. Although the Mrs prefers the beard, so he says.
He's in as good a spirit as one could imagine. We don't skirt issues. He called me the day I had a 3 way catheter inserted in the hospital on my last bladder issue. Needless to say I just had to show him the goods. He was not impressed. So we do unload on one another.

He's still building the odd model, tanks, sci-fi, planes. He's not driving any more, that would get to anyone! Driving means independence!!!!!!

I'll let him know people are askin!
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