Ive Been Here for 4 Frickin Years???

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I just happened to notice that my join date was July 2004... That means Ive been posting here and generally harrassing moronic meatballs for as long as I was in High School...

Four years....

The fact that this place has kept my intrest going for 4 years is commendable.... I dont think its the subject content of this site, but the excellent Members and Mods/Admins that we have gathered through the years....

You guys are all top notch in my book and I value each and every one of u fu*ks as good friends....

Thanks for a great 4 years and many more....


  • da trooth!.jpg
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I've only been here a bit over a year, but the friends and friendships I've managed to obtain are priceless. I hope, in the years to come, I can meet
some of you eyeball to eyeball. Wayne.... you're on my list !!

As the old man of the forum, this means a lot...

Dan, YOU and the members of this forum...you're all at the top of my list! Waiting for you to show up in Glasgow Dan, so that I can buy you a "few" drams of good quality single malts....get your guard down, as you and any other veteran has won my undying gratitude and admiration for a job well done! I'm in debt to you, a debt that I'll never be able to pay back...

To you and your family's health, to your wounded and lost friends, Bless You...Slante'!
What ?? not mention of me the most unappriciated member on the forum....

Nah you are all god blokes and i'd share a beer in a pub with you any day, even though that would get you arrested as i'm under age....
Cheers Boys
Aussie 1001
Gentlemen or f###s as les put it, ive been here for a few months, but gotta say you guys are great anybody stops by my place the beers on me
Ive been here for a few months, and anytime i get a week off too come home i always stop too say hi, even know les does,nt like my grammer, i just let it slip of my tail , i like alot of the guys here !!!!!!!

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