ME 262 A-2A 1:32 Build

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Feb 8, 2010
Halifax UK
I have always wanted to do a build thread, so I thought I would take the plunge with the ME262, This kit I bought from a car boot, only a £5, but with the cockpit built, well I wasnt to impressed with the cockpit, so I have stripped it down to strip the paint, and paint it my way.

My knowledge is limited on the 262, so any help on this subject would be appreciated, so feel free to share links,pics, and any other input you would like to add. As this is my first build thread please take it easy on me...:oops:

The model is Trumpeters ME 262 A-2A 1:32

The cockpit has been ripped apart to strip, I lost the pedals bar, but that can be scratched from my scrap box, but some how everything else survived, dont know what glue was used on this but it all came apart pretty well. pics of the cockpit before I strip the paint.

Looking forward to this with your help and company.


Big help thanks for the links Wurger, and a nice build there Crimea, thanks for the link. Well the cockpit parts are in the sonic bath, so time for a pot of tea. An early scratch test with a cocktail stick leads me to think its an acrylic paint and not an I hope to get at least a primer coat on the parts today.
Right the cockpit has been stripped, and had a coat of primer, then just RLM 02-66 various parts, let this sit for a while then I will just Future it,before I dry brush and pin wash ,and see if I can put a bit of life into it.Then it can have a matt coat and final detail added..

Just a picture of a ME 262 cockpit for reference.

More to follow soon.


Just checked the decal sheet, and it will be one of the following markings Max,

(9K+BN), 5./KG(J) 51, Schwabisch Hall, 1944
(B3+GL), 1/KG(J) 54 piloted by Oblt. Gunther Kahler
Looking good so far mate, and can't complain at that price - a fiver! A 'sonic bath' - is that a room with at least two women in it? The noise raised would strip the rocks off a mountain!!
Just checked the decal sheet, and it will be one of the following markings Max,

(9K+BN), 5./KG(J) 51, Schwabisch Hall, 1944
(B3+GL), 1/KG(J) 54 piloted by Oblt. Gunther Kahler

They were just KG 51, they never had a (J) designation.

I can't convince you to dump the bombs and go for Rudi Sinners Me 262 from JG 7? Lovely paint scheme. :D
More where these came from. Let me know what details you may be interested in.


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Many thanks for the input everyone, very much appreciated.

@Max: If I had the decals I would attempt Sinners bird,as your right its a great paint scheme.
@Crimea: Great pics, very interesting and a great help, please keep them flowing., now that would be a sonic bath...

Will have to think about what paint job im going for......not to sure which to go for.

Managed to get the dash,seat and pedals ready to be detailed.More pictures to follow when I have detailed the parts shown.

Thanks again for your help and support.

Looking good!

If you want truer accuracy, the colour seems a bit dark although it could be the lighting. The cockpit colour is overall RLM 66. Check out your cockpit photo above which is about right. The pedals would have been bare aluminum.

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