Me 262 Mistel combination, projected - Me/ Fw Group Build

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Doesn't sound like a happy place to be either way Evan, if I may be so bold. With management like that, it doesn't sound like this company is destined for success. Hope you can milk this for as long as possible and that you're right back on your feet with a better employer in the future.
At times life can be a bitch but like you said to me, maybe a change would not be such a bad thing and having read your post #195, would you want to stay in a place like that knowing how your perceived. You have my thought and best wishes Even and hopefully from out of all this you will come out on top with much better prospects for the future.
Sorry to hear this Evan. Let's hope you can find a new, better job very soon. And when you do, I hope the 'old' company crashes rapidly, and the sneering wolves choke on their own self-inflicted misfortune.
Cheers guys!

Well, got through the first round - but alot of good people went, including some good mates.
Don't trust the new management as far as I can kick them, so looking for new work anyway.

Cheers for your support in between, really much appreciated guys! :D
From your earlier comment sounds like some of these so called 'managers' are F#@*ing Wankers Evan...stab you in the back as soon as look at you I think, maybe a career change is for the better.
Yep, exactly Wayne. Wondering if the entire electronics industry is like this???
If anyone knows someone who wants to sponsor a landscape painter, please let me know...

Been too tired to do anything much with the build, but hopefully back into it tomorrow.
Evan keep your chin up mate,i know what your going through as i've had it 1st hand myself,its always best to look at things as clear as possable and do what you want including jumping before being pushed,i'm sure it will work out better for you in the end just do what you want to do and not what they say you should ,don't forget we work to live not live to work
Cheers Bob, much appreciated mate! Very sorry to hear you're speaking from experience.
Agree totally too, on all counts.

Buildwise, nothing much to show yet, u/c doors slowly progressing (again), and Jumos seperated from sprues and cleaned up. Pics up when something interesting happens.
Not enough yet sorry Vic...things coming to a head at work too.
Long story, but found out this arvo the bosses are d!cking me and some others round big time at the moment, most probably in prep for getting the chop in August.
Me being my usual cool, calm, collected self, flew off the handle and told them if they want to act like real managers then grow some b@lls and do the job probably... Said a few more things too (including something along the lines of where I think their brains (if any) are) so see if I have work tomorrow...

But! something happened to cheer me up alot! - Got a wee prize package from a Mr. Vic Balshaw...seems I won a Dragon 1:48 Fw 190D-9, complete with Eduard PE and masks, and Verlinden resin details!!! And all for counting lots of little drilled holes! Vic mate, THANKYOU!!! :D :D :D

Also to Terry for the e-mail - haven't replied yet, but strongly thinking about what you said...thanks mate!
I'm glad you stayed cool, calm and collected Evan......and only stated the FACTS, pity it won't penetrate their THICK heads....

At least you are in D-9 heaven with that 'new' kit, well done Vic! I must say I like the lines of the Trimaster/Dragon Dora better than the eduard kit.
Could be you're SOB managers are pulling that cr@p to make people leave before they have to lay them off. I don't know how it works there, but here if some one quits they can't receive unemployment insurance, and for every laid off person making a claim, the employers rates will probably go up, so its in there interest to get there people to quit rather that lay them off. SO STICK IT OUT! (Unless you find a better job that is)
Not enough yet sorry Vic...things coming to a head at work too.
Long story, but found out this arvo the bosses are d!cking me and some others round big time at the moment, most probably in prep for getting the chop in August.
Me being my usual cool, calm, collected self, flew off the handle and told them if they want to act like real managers then grow some b@lls and do the job probably... Said a few more things too (including something along the lines of where I think their brains (if any) are) so see if I have work tomorrow...

But! something happened to cheer me up alot! - Got a wee prize package from a Mr. Vic Balshaw...seems I won a Dragon 1:48 Fw 190D-9, complete with Eduard PE and masks, and Verlinden resin details!!! And all for counting lots of little drilled holes! Vic mate, THANKYOU!!! :D :D :D

Also to Terry for the e-mail - haven't replied yet, but strongly thinking about what you said...thanks mate!

Hey I won that competition fair and square........
So glad it's arrived Even it was my pleasure. I'm happy to have been able to bring you bit of cheer at this trying time. Tend to agree with Glenn though, no matter how hard it is on you, if benefits are due then stick it out until they give you the shove and what they owe you but if you do find better employment elsewhere, well then make the move and take great pleasure in telling them yet again your thoughts. Whichever way it goes, best of luck.

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