Member Mug Shots (continued)

Ad: This forum contains affiliate links to products on Amazon and eBay. More information in Terms and rules yeah it's all ummm, yeah CC's fault it all turns gay here 8-[

and i hate it when people say babies are cute!! my god!!
and mothers always say there baby is the most beautyful thing they've ever seen!! it's small fat and practically bald!! proberly with lots of druel too!!
Well I had the chop many years ago so I'm a complete Jaffa but it saved all that contraception stuff too old for screaming sprogs now anyroad.
I'm going round my parents house so I'll get some pics of me a as squawker
no, no, disagree lanc and jcs mates. last nights I've been to techno festival (you maybe heard about it and there was a very cute like 1-2 yo baby boy. the only thing i disagree is taking him into community were techno plays and he grows "with the community"...
the lancaster kicks ass said: yeah it's all ummm, yeah CC's fault it all turns gay here 8-[

and i hate it when people say babies are cute!! my god!!

WHAT?!?! Babies are lovely!

Heres me when I was young... (Mum named the file...blame her...)


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