Member Mug Shots (continued)

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Yeah, the last one is really a breakdance in Czech called Twister - you lay on the upper side of your back holding your foot with the opposite hand and kicking it through the other leg and you constantly rotate on your back. But the photo was taken by my 6 yo bro, who pushed it just when it was almost finished... But I'm not a good b-boy though, I can do only the basics, like footwork, twister, 6step, some freezes, handturn... and that's all I think.
Those Belfast sinks were much better than the ones of today I reckon.

Not only could you do the washing up but also leave any small children in them to soak after!

They all now seem to have been relegated to being used as flower pots in the garden - which is a shame.

My gran in Lancashire - (not the WAAF one) had one just the same with identical taps which were stiff to turn and made a KERCHUNK sound when you shut them off!
Medvedya said:
Those Belfast sinks were much better than the ones of today I reckon.

Not only could you do the washing up but also leave any small children in them to soak after!

Heres a better, more efficent idea: leave the small child to soak with the washing up at once. This gets the child clean, gets the washing up clean, and also teaches the child 2 valuable lessons.
1) Do your chores
2) Dont play with knives
Well I hate Butler sinks Med If you had spent your informative years with a sink plug stuck in you're arse you may have a different view of them.
I like the marinated kid idea though Adler
Hi: I am not photogenic but i find this one..



  • sunny_120.jpg
    46.4 KB · Views: 249

this picture was taken at Loews Le Concorde at Quebec , it is
a revolving restaurant at the top of the building.

I am 58 years old and it is not obvious to guess the age of someone
posting in the forum if you don't see the pic.

Bog off Les im only 17 its just that mother nature has been a tad unkind to me.
Anyway good pic sunny us old gits have got too keep these whipper snappers in line.

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