Member's Mustang Thread.

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Need that top shot blown up to wall size and stuck on the living room wall !!!
Wow! Geez Jim, you sure are living the dream of a lot of school kids! And great images too! Nice collection of pics you have Jeff. You've inspired me to post some more pics!

Here are some Mustangs from my neck of the woods. These are taken at different events over the years.

ZK-TAF - a stalwart of the warbird movement here - been around a long time; I remember seeing this machine flying when I was a kid and it's still displaying.

Here it is again masquerading as Fools Paradise IV:

'TAF and Dove of Peace, the other flying Mustang here:

Small note, RNZAF Mustangs flew with the Territorial Air Force, hence "TAF" as the rego. There were four TAF units that operated the Mustang, each representing a province - the bars each side of the roundel were the colours of the local rugby team; 'TAF wears the colours of Canterbury.
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From Reading Airshow this year


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  • Mustang 4.jpeg
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