Merry Christmas To All!

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merry Christmas Crippen and a happy new year. Geez i don;t have to be drunk holding up my house, just ride a 100 miles on my two wheeler when it is in the freezing fog................. YES ! ..............

maybe we should try and bring in the Plum people eh ?


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This is a song mostly played in canada.

On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me:

a beer.

On the second day of Christmas, my true love gave to me:

two turtlenecks,
And a beer.

On the third day of Christmas, my true love gave to me:
three French toast,
Two turtlenecks,
And a beer. (Okay...)
There should be more there, eh?
Where? On the... go.
Fourth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me:
four pounds of backbacon,
Three French toast,
Two turtlenecks,
And a beer.
In a tree. See, you need more.
Fifth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me:
five golden touques!
Four pounds of backbacon,
Three French toast,
Two turtlenecks,
And a beer, what was it?
In a tree!
On the sixth... Day Of Christmas, my true love gave to me:
six packs of two-four,
Five golden touques!
Four pounds of backbacon,
Three French toast,
Two turtlenecks,
And a beer,
In a tree!
On the seventh day of Christmas, my true love gave to me: seven packs of smokes,

six packs of two-four!
Five golden touques!
Four pounds of backbacon,
Three French toast,
Two turtlenecks,
And a beer,
Together In a tree!

Phew! This should just be the two days of Christmas, it's too hard for me Eh?

On the Eigth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me:
Eight comic books,
All Seven packs of smokes, six packs of two-four,
Five golden touques!
Four pounds of backbacon, three French toast, two turtlenecks,
All And a beer,
On my tree!
Yeah. That beer's empty,
I gotta skip a few days eh? cuz all this talk about beer and back bacon just reminded me I gotta feed the dog eh? Good day Eh?, and welcome to day twelve.
Five golden touques!
All Four pounds of backbacon, three French toast, two turtlenecks, and a beer, in a tree!
Well I am back from Stuttgart. Had a really nice Christmas spending it with the family and seeing white snow and trees rather than a brown sand christmas this year. I hope eveyrone elses was just as well also. I think I am going to have left over goose tonight!
well i wasn't with the whole family as me sister went to her boyfriend's, we spend a large part of the day on the farm, not exactily family fun as it's what we do everyday, we had a great xmas dinner but again we didn't speak much, we never do, and the whole christmas this year aint been that festive, most people think that............
Lanc get on your bike, but first wear a headlamp. when things get dull I head out like a newborn on the road to releive stress and if you cannot walk a couple of miles, clears the head quite nicely. I can only take so much of my relatives and then I have to go on a short walk around the track a 1-2 mile jaunt. besides the health aspects I can vent if needed........
My sister and nieces just left. Good people and I enjoyed the visit, but if I hear one more rendition of Frosty the Snowman I'm gonna snap. :onlyamother:
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