Merry Christmas To All!

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Man, I got so drunk on x-mas eve. I spent £100 ($270) on booze alone ...and I'm cut to pieces ... so, I spent x-mas day hung-over! Which is okay 'cos I don't celebrate x-mas!
...yeah ...that kind of went wrong, I went to approx. at $170 ... I don't actually know the proper conversion rates ...and I can't be arsed to find out.
Well, I bought all the bar staff in one of the clubs a drink for christmas ... that cost me about £20.
Speaking of that, I went on a X-Mass Midnight Party. Rave party to be specific....... Then I had goose at my grandma's and went on a Hanukkah Party and today morning I returned back from Hanukkah Raving Party........... Spent like 2000,- Czk (that's like 100 USD....)

Had a great holiday time! 8)
Champagne isn't that expensive....... I think Whiskey


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I think they all had a shot of Sambuca ... and there was like eight of 'em!

Oh god damn it, NS, now the truth is out. :rolleyes: And I don't celebrate to get pissed - that's just a regular occurance. And I discovered today, when I went out (I only got back 3 hours ago) ...that not only, on x-mas eve, did I lose my shoes, cut myself to pieces, smash my head open and spend lots of money ... but I had also snapped my card... :rolleyes:
Well, because I can't remember what happened near the end of the night. And I don't remember snapping my cash-card ... I'm actually quite scared that I might have got more money out ... and in the worst case scenario ... I've been mugged of £300 ... :thumbright:

Lanc Seafood is good anytime of the year.

We all have off on Friday so pretty my whole unit is going out to party up the town together tomorrow night. Should be pretty fun.
sounds goog, hope you'll post some pics.

and planD, i know this very well....... last month (december) i lost
- a tshirt (3 pcs)
- jacket (1 pc)
- keys to my house
- wallet
+ spent cca 10,000 Crowns (240 pounds) only on alco......
Well, it's alright, I didn't withdraw anymore money. And, I got the bank tellars phone number ... which actually made the trip to the bank even better!

I don't know what happened after midnight, but I'm thinking that I snapped the card in a cash machine and smashed my head on a taxi when getting in, or out. Now, where my shoes have gone is a mystery - but there's several theories from many people;

1. They were stolen - (Unlikely, because I still had my phone and watch, which is worth a lot more)
2. I took the shoes off in the taxi, and forgot them.
3. Took the shoes off while walking home, dropped them by accident and being drunk didn't care.
4. I didn't like the shoes (which is true) and being drunk, thought it was a good idea to throw 'em away.
5. My friends have stolen them and will surprise me next time I go out.
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