merry Christmas you wing-nuts

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Merry Christmas, Erich. And what Les doesn't know is we're the crazies breathin fumes while you suck in that fresh Oregon air! :lol:
Erich, i dont know what to say......merry heehawheehaw EVERYBODY HERE THANKS AND HAVE A GOOD AND SAFE HOLIDAYS!!!!! p.s. i lived in oregon i can see why you thought thats funny i still do:lol:
same to ya Chris and your wife. how was your Christmas ? snowing here this morn, very quiet like the whole neighborhood is dead

E ~
Christmas was good. It was great to spend the hollidays with the family.

We ate some great Wild Boar (in a Jagertopf) with Rot Kohl and Knoeddel. Really good.

No snow though until I left to drive back to Bavaria and it was snowing as soon as we crossed the border. Not a whole lot though.
ah but some schnee....excellent ! photos please .........;)

ah wilde Sau my aunts fav when she was living in Germany near Wißbaden near the Rhine, I have yet to taste this German dish ~ any Spätzle ?

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