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Merry Christmas everone! There is no work going on at the office today. The bosses where all let go over the past two years. The phones are not busy so the party will be starting in an hour. Everyone is still inviated but it is byob.

Sweet D ~ you and Becc gettin on your bikes soon to take a good stiff north wind in your face ride of 20 miles ?

when we had 7 F temps a week or so ago I went out about a block and fell off my carbon crate, fortunately both of us went into the neighbors lawn........freezing swill is so fun

Merry Chrsitmas
WOW! Thank for all of the good wishes guys!! I hope all of you are having a stunning holiday!! We have survived thus far, THOUGH mommy, for one, is WAAAAY past ready for school to start back. :-\ SRSLY! lol
Aw C'mon!!! Saw a guy on his bike in the park up here in the frozen tundra of Minnesota yesterday. Did not appear to have studs in the tires either. He was either a glutton for punishment or my hero, can't decide which one

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