MTO/Africa build question

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Ok mate....

*grabs a chair, bag of crisps and a cold Guinness and sits down...*

Well what I want to do is find some more on the crew now. Mission reports and such and make a pdf file to go with the model. Hope your still interested :oops: If you have changed your mind dont worry about it. I think Im still going to push ahead with the research.
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12th Air Force

321st Bombardment Group

History: May 1943

A/C: Aircraft

NATOUSA: North Atlantic Theater of
Operations USA

A/D: Aerodrome

N.B.S.: 448th 15-21 Jun 43?

A/F: Air Field

NC: Nurse Corps.

AA or AAA: Anti-Aircraft (Artillery)

NCO: Non-Commissioned Officer

abs: absent

OD: Officer of the day/Olive Drab

ALO: Allied Liaison Officer

OLC: Oak Leaf Cluster

Assg: Assigned

OTU: 447th 27 Oct 43?

Azon: Azimuth only (guided bomb)

PAX: Passengers

B.R.L.: Ballistic Research Laboratory

PBS: 447th 2 June 44?

BC: Bomber Command

PDI: Pilot Direction Indicator

BSM: 448th 8-15 Sep 44?

POE: Point of Embarkation

CA: Heavy Cruiser

PX: Post Exchange

CAVU: Ceiling and Visibility Unlimited

QM: Quarter Master

CO: Commanding Officer

R/B: Road Bridge

CP: Command Post

RC: 448th 10 Sep 43?

CQ: Charge of Quarters

R/J: Road Junction

CWS: Chemical Warfare Service

R/Y: Railroad Yards

D/H: Direct Hit

Repl: Replacement

Demo: Demolition

RON: Remain OverNight

DS: Detached Service

RR/B: Railroad Bridge

E/A: Enemy Aircraft

RR/J: Railroad Junction

E/F: Enemy Fighter

RR: Railroad

E/M: Enlisted Men

S/E: Single Engine (plane)

EFM: 447th 16 Sep 44?

SAP: Semi-Armor Piercing

F/L: Formation Leader - Flight Leader

SD: Special Duty

FO or F/O: Flying Officer

sk: sick

Frag: Fragmentation

SO: Special Order

GLO: Ground Liaison Officer (UK)

SOI: Standard Operating Instructions?

GO: General Order

Sq: Squadron

GP: General Purpose/Gun Position

Sqdn: Squadron

I E: Information Education

SWA: Seriously Wounded in Action

IP: Initial Point

T/C: Troop Concentration

L/G: Landing Ground

T/E: Twin Engine (plane)

Lox: Liquid Oxygen

TAC: Theater Allied Command

L/S: Landing Strip

TBF: Tactical Bomber Force

L/V: Large Vehicle

TD: Temporary Duty

LOT: 447th 2 May 44?

TLC: 447th 5 Oct 43?

LST: Landing Ship Tank

TO: Take-Off (time) / Technical Order

Ltr: Letter

TOT: Time Over Target/Time On Target

LWA: Lightly Wounded in Action

Trfd: Transferred

MATS: Military Air Transport Service

u/i: 448th 26 Sep 44?

M/T: Motor Transport (Truck)

VOCO: Verbal Order of the Commanding

M/V: Military Vessel

WT Station: 445th 20 Jul 43?

M/Y: Marshalling Yards

XC: Cross Country

MC: Maintenance Crew
Saturday, 1 May 1943


EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Ninth Air Force): In Italy, B-24's bomb
the harbor at Reggio di Calibre. In Tunisia, P-40's bomb and strafe shipping and shore
installations on the NE coastline.

WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Northwest African Air Force): In the
Mediterranean, Northwest African Strategic Air Force (NASAF) B-26's and P-38's fly
uneventful shipping sweeps. In Tunisia, Northwest African Tactical Air Force (NATAF)
fighters and A-20's hit shipping in the Gulf of Tunis and jetties at Sidi Daoud and
Kelibia, and attack positions in the NE Tunisian battle area as Allied ground forces
regroup for the final Tunisian offensive. During the month of May, the 2nd Air Defense
Wing transfers from Oran, Algeria to Maison Blanche, Algeria. The wing will be
redesignated the 63rd Fighter Wing in Jul 43. During the month of May, the 15th
Bombardment Squadron (Light), Twelfth Air Force with A-20's and A-36's transfers
from Nouvion, Algeria to Sale, French Morocco. The squadron flew the first USAAF
mission in Europe but is now relegated to a training role. The 81st and 82nd
Bombardment Squadrons (Medium), 12th Bombardment Group (Medium) with B-25's
transfer from Canrobert, Algeria to Thibar, Tunisia.

445th BS War Diary: 18 B-25's (9 of the 445th) took off on a sea search. Nothing was
sighted. 440 rounds of ammunition were fired to clear the guns. Visibility was so poor
that the ships had difficulty in landing. We on the ground really "sweated out" the boys

446th BS War Diary: Group mission 33, Sqdn 22 composed of 9 planes led by Major
Schwane on a sea sweep, but no target sighted.

Schwane, Henry H., Maj, pilot, Commander

447th BS War Diary: Usual garrison duties.

448th BS War Diary: No Entry
Sunday, 2 May 1943

EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Ninth Air Force): In Tunisia, P-40's
attack shipping off the coast.

WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Northwest African Air Force): In
Tunisia, bad weather restricts the Northwest African Strategic Air Force (NASAF) to
reconnaissance missions. Northwest African Tactical Air Force (NATAF) fighters hit
tank and troop concentrations near Massicault and Tebourba and fly battle area
reconnaissance as the US II Corps occupies Kef en Nsour while the enemy withdraws
toward Bizerte.

445th BS War Diary: We are being relieved by one of the other squadrons. Our crews
really deserve a rest back at Ain M'Lila.

446th BS War Diary: Regular combat zone activities.

447th BS War Diary: Six more of our planes went to the advanced base at Souk el Arba
today. The planes at this base concentrated their attacks on shipping. At this stage of the
campaign the axis is being pushed steadily toward Tunis and Bizerte and shipping is
being attacked to thwart all attempts at evacuation. Our planes with no outer wing tanks
are capable of operating from this advanced base.

448th BS War Diary: No Entry

Monday, 3 May 1943

EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Ninth Air Force): In Tunisia, P-40's
fly fighter-bomber missions against a bridge, buildings, and docks in the NE part of the

WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Northwest African Air Force): In
Tunisia, Northwest African Strategic Air Force (NASAF) B-25's bomb a landing ground
near Protville and B-17's hit shipping at Bizerte. Northwest African Tactical Air Force
(NATAF) fighters fly numerous reconnaissance missions over the battle area as Mateur
falls to the US 1st Armored Division. Other fighters escort NASAF bombers. Fighter-
bombers bomb the Massicault area.

445th BS War Diary: Our ships continue a shuttle service between Souk el Arba and
Ain M'Lila. Some of our ground crew has remained at Souk el Arba to maintain the
ships of the Squadrons relieving us. Lt. Lord came up yesterday and is paying off those
who were not present at Ain M'Lila to receive their April Pay.

Lord, Robert O. Jr., 2Lt, Engineering Officer, Executive Officer

446th BS War Diary: Group mission 34A, Sqdn 23 composed of 10 planes led by
Major Schwane on a sea sweep. Mission turned back because of poor visibility.

Group mission 34B, Sqdn 24 composed of 11 planes. Major Schwane led the
formation on a sea sweep. A dry run, but enemy fighters and a ship sighted.

Schwane, Henry H., Maj, pilot, Commander

447th BS War Diary: At Air M'Lila one of our planes took part in a sea sweep. No
target was sighted and the plane returned safely. Capt. John Canning, squadron surgeon,
left this morning for the advanced base at Souk el Arba. At Souk el Arba our planes
participated in two missions today, both sea sweeps. Five of our planes took part in the
first sweep. Nothing was sighted and all planes returned safely. One of our planes took
part in the second sweep. Nothing was sighted and the plane returned safely.

Canning, John A., Capt, Medical Officer

448th BS War Diary: Mission 25 (35): At 09:05 6 planes off to bomb on sea sweep,
returned at 13:10 no bombs dropped no E/A sighted. Slight flak from Bizerte. Weather:
9/10th coverage at 5000 feet. F/L: Heinlen.

Heinlen, Clayton H., Capt, pilot, Commander

Tuesday, 4 May 1943

EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Ninth Air Force): In Italy, B-24's attack
shipping at Reggio di Calabria and Taranto. In Tunisia, B-25's hit Zaghouan, including
a landing ground and a road running to Bou Ficha. P-40's fly sea patrol and escort, as
well as fighter-bomber missions in the Zaghouan area.

WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Northwest African Air Force): In
Tunisia, weather restricts Northwest African Strategic Air Force (NASAF) operations to
a reconnaissance and uneventful shipping sweep; Northwest African Tactical Air Force
(NATAF) fighters attack gun positions and vehicles near Zaghouan and Massicault and at
other points in the surrounding areas. A-20's and medium bombers hit Zaghouan in
support of the French advance.

445th BS War Diary: Lt. Tipton flew to Souk el Arba to pick up a couple more men and
return to Ain M'Lila.

Tipton, William L. "Tip", 1Lt, pilot

446th BS War Diary: Group mission 34C, Sqdn 25. 10 planes led by Major Schwane,
but no target sighted.

Schwane, Henry H., Maj, pilot, Commander

447th BS War Diary: At Souk el Arba five of our planes participated in a sea sweep.
Nothing was sighted and all plane returned safely. Capt. R.W. Manly left Ain M'Lila for
the advanced base at Souk el Arba today. The transfer of Lt. Albert Duke from the
squadron became effective today.

Duke, Albert, 2Lt, pilot Manly, Robert W. "Horse", Capt, intelligence

448th BS War Diary: No Entry
Gordon Bennett! Will I ever get any peace?!! First Wildcats and now bl**dy B25's!!
I quite fancy it actually, but it'll depend on the Beaufighter build, as that's going to take a lot of time. I've only scheduled one build for the MTO GB because of the scratch-building work involved with the Beau - but I suppose that if I did a Mitchell, and it wasn't finished by the end of the GB, so what?
I'll see how things pan out, and see how much month is left at the end of the money!
May I suggest the sistership from her squadron, Sh*t House Mouse? :lol: Btw, Am I right in believing that Peggy Lou had just a single .50 in the rear turret? It certainly look like it anyway....

Wednesday, 5 May 1943

EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Ninth Air Force): In Tunisia, P-40's
strafe and bomb a bridge, vessels, docks, warehouses, and other buildings at Nabeul

WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Northwest African Air Force): In Sicily,
Northwest African Strategic Air Force (NASAF) B-l7's bomb a vessel off Capo San Vito.
In Italy, B-25's and B-26's bomb shipping off Marettimo Island. In Tunisia, NASAF B-
17's hit Tunis harbor and attack ships and docks at La Goulette. B-25's and B-26's bomb
shipping E of Cape Zebib, and hit a landing ground at Galaat el Andeless and near
Protville. Northwest African Tactical Air Force (NATAF) fighters and bombers fly 6
missions against strongholds on the NE and E slopes of Djebel Bou Aoukaz as the British
5 Corps' 1 Division attacks and gains the position. Fighters hit shipping in Gulf of Tunis
and attack landing grounds and concentrations near Protville. Wellingtons bomb roads at
Bir Meherga. After regrouping and re-equipping, HQ 14th Fighter Group and it's 37th and
49th Fighter Squadrons with P-38's transfer from Mediouna, French Morocco to
Telergma, Algeria.

445th BS War Diary: The shuttle service between Souk el Arba and Ain M'Lila was
completed today as all the crews have now arrived back at Ain M'Lila.

446th BS War Diary: Regular combat zone activities.

447th BS War Diary: At Ain M'Lila three of our planes participated in a sea sweep. No
shipping sighted and all planes returned safely. Italian transport planes escorted by
fighters were encountered on the sweep and the P-38s attacked them. Six transports and
three enemy fighters were shot down. At Souk el Arba six of our planes participated in a
sea sweep. A convoy was sighted, attacked and several small ships sunk. All of our
planes returned safely.

448th BS War Diary: Mission 26 (36): At 06:00 6 planes off on sea sweep, returned at
09:25. No bombs dropped. 2 E/A transports shot down by escorts. No flak. Weather:
High scattered cumulus. F/L: Issacson.

Issacson, Clayton M., Capt, pilot

Thursday, 6 May 1943


EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Ninth Air Force): In Italy, B-24's bomb
Reggio di Calabria harbor, hitting several vessels and shore installations. In Tunisia, B-
25's attack Furna and Massicault and surrounding areas. P-40's hit shipping in the Gulf of
Tunis and vehicles and buildings along the coast.

WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN (Northwest African Air Force): In Sicily,
Northwest African Strategic Air Force (NASAF) B-17's, escorted by fighters, bomb
Marsala and Trapani. In Italy, B-25's and B-26's, escorted by fighters, bomb a convoy
SW of Marettimo Island, the port of Favignana, and vessels W of Mitrettimo. In
Tunisia, the British 18 Army Group opens the final assault on Tunis and Bizerte before
dawn. The assault is supported by massed artillery fire and the most intensive air
bombardment yet employed in North Africa. Northwest African Tactical Air Force
(NATAF) airplanes bomb El Aouina, La Sebala, and Ariana Airfields during the night of
5/6 May. Today, fighters, A-20's, and medium bombers fly over 1,400 sorties, attacking
Protville and La Sebala Airfields, trucks on the Massicault-Tunis road, Bordj Frendj,
Djebel Achour, traffic SW of Tunis, troops N of Massicault, the Djedeida-Saint-Cyprien
road, the road S of Djedeida, and numerous other points of strength in extreme NE
Tunisia. B-25's and B-26's bomb 2 beached vessels at Cape Zebib, and ships, a
lighthouse, and parked aircraft near Capes Fortass, Zebib, Cap Serrat and at Protville.
Fighters escort the bombing missions. The 48th Fighter Squadron, 14th Fighter Group with
P-38's transfers from Mediouna, French Morocco to Telergma, Algeria.

445th BS War Diary: 25 B-25's of the Group took off at 12:00 on a sea search. The
element leaders in our Squadron were Lt. Tipton and Lt. Walker. No enemy shipping
was sighted. 250 rounds of ammunition were fired to clear the guns. All ships were
down at 16:00

Tipton, William L. "Tip", 1Lt, pilot

Walker, James O., 2Lt, pilot or Walker, Robert S., 2Lt, pilot

446th BS War Diary: Group mission 36A, Sqdn 26 composed of nine planes. Lt.
Griffith led the formation with Major Schwane as co-pilot on a sea sweep. 300 and 500
lb bombs were used to sink two flak barges and damage others.

Group mission 36, Sqdn 27 composed of 1 plane flown by Lt. VanArtsdalen on
a sea sweep. No target sighted.

Schwane, Henry H., Maj, pilot, Commander VanArtsdalen, Charles M., 1Lt, pilot

447th BS War Diary: At Ain M'Lila five of our planes participated in a sea sweep.
Nothing sighted and all our planes returned safely. At Souk el Arba six of our planes
took part in a sea sweep. A convoy was sighted, attacked and one Siebel Ferry blown up.
All our planes returned safely.
Oh hey Terry, good news!

I found ya' some F4F Wildcats used in North Africa!

You wanted to do that, right? :evil4:


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