My First Attempt at Armour, The Panther Panzer KampfwagenV Ausf A....

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Wayne said:
Very good so far, mate.

Some Armour modellers build the entire kit, then paint and weather, so I guess there are some small hard to get at areas that dont get any paint!
Usually those places aren't seen anyway...once it is on display.
While others biuld and paint components as they go along..
Each to his own, I guess!

Wayne? You speak I listen. I bow to your superior capability.

End of conversation.
Thank u...

I now need to start the Camo workup and the detailing on the ttols that strap to the side, tracks/spare track plates etc....

I need some help on the camo work guys, as there are no directions in the directions on the colors to use, and all I have is a couple refrence shots Wurger and the like have provided...

Heres what Im workin with to start.... The last 4 are Waynes first 3 Steps on his build, using Tamiya Dark Yellow XF-60, Red Brown XF-64, and Olive Green XF-58... Then a final dusting of Dark Yellow...














Hi Dan, you need to decide whether you want to add the tools first and paint the camo over them and then carefully pick out the detail with a brush and steady hand? OR add them later painted separately? You must be very careful adding them later as a slip up will cost you if things move when you are glueing them and you could mess up paint work...

Check what tools are actually raised once fixed because you can slip pieces of paper under them to brush paint later? So these become good choices to fix now rather than later.
Wayne, Ive decided to paint the tools later, well the axe and shovel, as well as the turret mounted MG, going for the better detail...

I agree it will be delicate work getting them set after the camo is done, but I have faith in my apprentice abilities...

Any comments on my camo questions Wayne??? I am using Model Masters Paint BTW, so any help there would be appreciated, such as part # etc....
I was hoping to re-create a specific unit/tank commanders tank, but the info Ive found so far is rather vauge and innacurate... Seems to be more modelers intereptaion as opposed to historical fact.....

B&W photos dont really show the camo accuratly enough for me... Any specfic templetes out there for specific units/Tank Commanders that fought through Normandie/Ardennes???
Yes they are basically all the same 3 colours, different brands will have slightly differing shades, you want Dark Yellow, Red Brown and Olive or Dark Green as a basic colour callout. Will need to check what the MM colour equivalents are...?

Your starting point is the Dark Yellow - lightest colour first overall.

back to you shortly.
Testors Panzer Dunkelgelb (Dark Yellow) 1943 TES2095
Testors Schokoladenbraun (Chocolate Brown) 1943 RAL 8017 TES2096
Testors Panzer Olivgrun 1943 TES2097

I'm pretty sure these are the Testors Model Master paints you are looking for.

Just found this little snippet..

Late-war years
On 1943-02-18, it was ordered that all vehicles were to be painted in a base coat Dunkelgelb nach Muster (except for small equipment pieces, which were to retain the former colours). Over this, a camouflage pattern of Olivgrün (an RLM colour), Rotbraun RAL 8017 and Dunkelgelb nach Muster consisting of stripes was to be applied by the maintenance sections, according to the terrain. For this purpose, the paint was delivered as a paste, which could then be thinned with most liquids, and applied. Dunkelgelb nach Muster was later re-named Dunkelgelb RAL 7028, and Olivgrü was re-named Olivgrün RAL 6003.
I was hoping to re-create a specific unit/tank commanders tank, but the info Ive found so far is rather vauge and innacurate... Seems to be more modelers intereptaion as opposed to historical fact.....

B&W photos dont really show the camo accuratly enough for me... Any specfic templetes out there for specific units/Tank Commanders that fought through Normandie/Ardennes???

You got that right, you NEED a library of hardcore Panther tank books to get something decent and then it's mostly interpretation because almost all shots are black and white and the Brown and green are rather hard to distinguish which is which. I spent hours going over Tiger II shots for my 332 and finally decided stuff it, get on with it or nothing will get done. You can have a bit of artistic licence 'cause once you put the last overspray of the Dark yellow to tone it down the colours sort of merge....

Hope this is not too big? Here is one that I did for my friend in Dallas...


  • Panther_401_1563.jpg
    110.5 KB · Views: 819
OK, I got ya Wayne... I will use my best interpetation of available info to make it how I think it should be...

I absolutely love that 401 u did, although , to me, it looks too clean.... The extra track links look brand new infact, and I would assume they are gonna be semi-rusted and catch all the dirt sprayed up etc etc....

How bout some damage pics of non-fatal strikes to add to the realism???

I think its gonna be more of a challenge getting the filth and dirt, mud and weathering done right as opposed to the actual paint job....

I hope I do u guys right with ur learnings...
That's part of the fun I think...the research. I haven't really decided for a certain commanders, more like 5th SS Wiking, 11th SS Nordland, 11th Panzer Division, nicknamed the Gespenster Division (Ghost Division), just mentioned a few...have few allied as well.

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