My Stepdad

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Generalfeldmarschall zur Luftschiff Abteilung
I'm a little late in posting this, as I just haven't been in the mood to deal with it, to be honest.

But back on January 25th, my Stepdad passed away. It's been difficult to have so many friends and family passing away lately, and this hits really close to home.

My Stepdad was approaching 80 years old and died from complications of his heart. Several years ago, he had bypass surgery but the Docs weren't sure how well it would hold up...and now we know.

Robert Kingdon was born in Illinois and grew up in a small farming community and from there, joined the Marine Corps, which saw him going to Korea. He was with Fox Company, 2nd Battalion, 1st Marine Division, a survivor of Chosin Reservoir. His wounds and severe frostbite landed him a long stay, recuperating in various Navy hospitals and then was discharged from the Corps, eventually ending up in California, where he met my Mom in the late 70's. They were married 37 years at his passing.

He didn't have any children (besides, he had his hands full with me and my sister, anyway)

Not sure what Mom plans to do for his internment, she is pretty broken up right now, so I haven't asked.
Dave, I am so very sorry to hear of his passing. It sounds as if you two were close. There are no words anyone can say to make it better. To have survived Chosin he must have been quite the man and then Open Heart surgery.
My thoughts and prayers to you and your Mom. Think of the good times you had and be thankful to have known him

Thanks and praise for our days
Neath the sun, 'neath the stars', 'neath the sky'
As we go, this we know
God is nigh.
Sorry for your family's loss .... he must have had some incredible stories to tell.
He told stories about a great deal of his experiences, but almost never about Chosin. Only bits and pieces.

We did know that the weather had turned brutal cold and he was still in his summer gear when the battle commenced and that he had suffered terrible frostbite, especially from the waist down, after having to remain in a water-filled foxhole for a length of time, as they fought off the Chinese, in many cases: hand-to-hand.

He finally recounted the entire battle to my Mom just before he was going into surgery for his bypass several years ago and it was a brutal story.

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