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Aug 23, 2007
Oklahoma City/Memphis, TN
What's goin on fellas. I stumbled upon this site today after many searches for any kind of decent WWII airplane sites. And since this is a forum it's even better! I'm Chase, 23 yrs old, enlisted in the Air Force and been an assistant dedicated E-3 AWACS Crewchief for 3 yrs. At the end of this year i'm doing my first tour over in Southwest Asia. I've been overseas several times to South America so this will be my first tour over to the desert. Anyway, just wanted to introduce myself!
Awacs - Welcome and congratulations on being selected for SSgt. When do you pin on?

I'm a 1stLt in the USMC, have 1 month left in advanced helos, then off to fly MV-22s in New River.
Hey Lt, thanks a lot! I won't pin on till the beginning of next year. It'll prob be when i'm deployed. Man that's gonna be sweet flyin an Ospree! I hope that goes well for ya.
Welcome to the site.

I was a Crew Chief as well but on Blackhawk Helicopters.

Spent 14 month over in the Iraq. Pretty much sucked but then again you will probably be on an Airbase in Saudi or Kuwait or something. Shouldn't be too bad there.
Thanks. Yeah i'll be at Al Dahfra AB. I was supposed to be there from Jun-Sep but I wrecked my motorcycle about a week before I was supposed to go, so they're gonna try again ha! So how was it bein a Crew Chief on helicopters? I don't know a thing about them, never even ridden in one.
I loved being a Crewdog on Helicopters.

That Blackhawk is a sound great aircraft. Fun to work on as well even though there were plenty of time where I just wanted to junk the damn thing. :lol:

Best part about being an Army Blackhawk Crewchief was being assigned your own aircraft. When it flew, you flew with it. Helping out the pilots, making radio calls, helping out with Nav, responsible for the Passengers and acting as door gunner.

I gained over 1500 flight hours including 650+ combat hours.

I spent all 6 years of my service stationed in Germany and did two deployments to Kosovo and Iraq.

Anyhow while I was in the Army I got my A&P Liscense and then after Iraq I got out of the Army.

Heres a pic of me and my bird.

Chase.... Welcome to the forum from a Naval type (ret in 1971).

Enjoy the board....


Thanks Charles, my real name is also Charles. I was named after my grandfather who served in the AF a couple years; I was immediately given the nickname Chase!

I loved being a Crewdog on Helicopters.

That Blackhawk is a sound great aircraft. Fun to work on as well even though there were plenty of time where I just wanted to junk the damn thing. :lol:

Best part about being an Army Blackhawk Crewchief was being assigned your own aircraft. When it flew, you flew with it. Helping out the pilots, making radio calls, helping out with Nav, responsible for the Passengers and acting as door gunner.

I gained over 1500 flight hours including 650+ combat hours.

I spent all 6 years of my service stationed in Germany and did two deployments to Kosovo and Iraq.

Anyhow while I was in the Army I got my A&P Liscense and then after Iraq I got out of the Army.

Heres a pic of me and my bird.


That's soo awesome. The only flying I get to do is when my jet goes TDY and even then I just fly there and home, i'm on the ground while we're there, launching and catching jets. But then again there aren't really any windows on the jet so it's pretty boring unless I can sit seat 5 (observer seat) in the cockpit.
Welcome AWACS.....
The RAF AWACS flies over my house nearly every day and I listen to them on my scanner (callsign Magic)
They fly from RAF Waddington....maybe you will get there one day for a visit.
That's soo awesome. The only flying I get to do is when my jet goes TDY and even then I just fly there and home, i'm on the ground while we're there, launching and catching jets. But then again there aren't really any windows on the jet so it's pretty boring unless I can sit seat 5 (observer seat) in the cockpit.

That is one of the reasons why I chose to go Army. I loved fixing aircraft but I also wanted to crew as well.

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