NFL 2010 Thread

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Yes I do. I think Dixon will move into the lineup however. The problem is Gore has a few more years on him. If Dixon is as good as he says he is, he is going to want to move to another team where he can have a more important role.
It's still just pre-season, but the Vikes starting O-line still looks to be a weak link. Brant McKinney cannot handle a speed rush around the end and Adrian Peterson just lacks the blocking skills to help out. If they don't improve over last year Farve will be retured before the season ends due to injury.

Sign Darrelle Revis !!!!!!!!!

He's only one of the best CBs to ever play the position,


You're going nowhere without him !!!!!

I think the whole team is looking good. I really think this is our year to return to the playoffs.

Agree Chris. It was repeated so many time last night that I got tired of hearing it, but it is so true. It all depends on Alex Smith. Hope he has a breakout year and lives up to expectations. Although having 5 different offensive coordinators in as many years was no help to him a all. He looked pretty good last night to when he played, and so did the other backup. He looks capable too.
I picked the Saints last year as a joke in week two and they kept on winning.
NFL Predictions, lets see how good a Swami you are. - SimHQ Forums
I should have bet on them going all the way like I joked, that would have cinched their failure.
I stuck with them all the way expecting them to eventually tank.

I do agree that they have as good a chance as anyone right now.
No major injuries and a few breaks go their way and they could repeat.
I won't bet on it this time either.

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