Not sure what to do anymore... in need of guidance

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My brother has been home for about a month now, he's still doing well and we're hoping it continues, he's at 280 something days sober which is really good for him. The longest he's been sober. He goes to PT at the marine recruiting station about twice a week and he's waiting to hear if he's been accepted or not. Fingers crossed that he gets accepted I think it'll be good for him and he really wants to join the Marines.
Yes, good to hear he has something to focus on. One needs that. It's like being retired in a way. Sitting around lamenting on the past will drive you insane. You need something to keep everything level and plumb. Something to direct your energies on. Let's all hope he ends up with them white sidewalls and a buzz cut. Give him a pat on the back and a "Goodonya mate" from down undah!
I'm glad to hear your brother is doing better and has several days sobriety under his belt, but he's not out of the woods yet. Addiction is a very difficult thing to overcome. Even with one year of sobriety, he will always be in danger. Stay close to him and help him get past the one year mark. Once he is past the one year mark, then you can relax... a little. The biggest thing is to keep him away from those people and places that were a part of his addiction. Once on the path to sobriety, he can never go back. One thing that will help him when he feels weak, help him remember all the things he has lost because of the addiction. I understand this helps them remain sober. Good luck Harrison.
Thanks, I'm trying to stay with him and help as much as I can because it scares me when he says things like "I'm bored" because thats the reason he started experimenting in the first place, he was just bored.
Marines can be a hardcore bunch with a misguided 'esprit de corps'. Warn him that his addiction can take him to alcohol if gets into those bunch. Hope all works out for him.
Wow! Yep, I agree with Matt, there are some serious alcohol abuse issues in all branches when it comes right down to it. I find it hard to believe that the Marines are going to accept him given his history. They are a pretty strict outfit.
You might make the grade, but your brother with that kind of baggage, I don't know.
I've spent some time as an Army recuiter, perhaps I could help. They will ask questions like these. Have you ever been arrested? Even if the court has expunged your record, you need to come clean. Have you ever taken drugs, if yes, what kind and how long ago? They will drug test. He may have to say if he was in rehab. It depends on how he answers the questions as to what bunny trail they will follow. If he hides anything, it use to be a $10K fine if found out. The best way to find out anything is to ask a different recuiter what the different polices are. You would need to ask, not him. Since the services are drawing down, they can get more picky.

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