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Here's one cool diorama. I wonder what did he use to achieve the effect of the water?
Unfortunately, I was unable to find more pictures but only this single one...

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I remember reading about the Dragon Wagon in MIlitary Modelling a while back, very impressive. The beau dio on the previous page is really awesome, I've seen it up close its so detailed!

Love that little one there Igor, my guess would be resin for the water.
Very nice Colin, thanks. I remember seeing a 1/32nd scale vac-form Whirlwind at the IPMS nationals back in about 1980 - what a beauty! It's a pity there isn't a mainstream, 1/48th scale kit of this aircraft. it might heve been short-lived, but it did some tremendous work. Guttorm! About your friends at Revell mate....

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