Post ur Pic for Our New Member Mug Shot Album.... (1 Viewer)

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Heh. Its a Harley, in Denmark...she could probably scrape up enough to go to the movies or something.

Au contraire, mon ami - Harleys are - for a reason that completely eludes me *giggle* - very popular here, together with another thing I don't get: Big old american cars.
So I could prolly make a minor fortune, selling the scraps as spares. :D
I think I'd go to Austria and England for a couple of nice holidays. ;) :lol:
Au contraire, mon ami - Harleys are - for a reason that completely eludes me *giggle* - very popular here, together with another thing I don't get: Big old american cars.
So I could prolly make a minor fortune, selling the scraps as spares. :D
I think I'd go to Austria and England for a couple of nice holidays. ;) :lol:

You sure you are not in Cuba?
I'm in shock! Everything that I've ever believed in has fallen to pieces, world order is no longer existing, the earth is flat and is the centre of universe, up is down and down is up, what is right is wrong and what is wrong is right.... Terry is dating a hippocroccofrog and has a Wildcat collection in the garage, he doesn't drink alcohol....

Nice pic btw Maria! :thumbright:
Yeah....Jan...that bit about Terry not drinking alcohol was a bit over the edge. Totally and completely unbelievable.

Back to the thread at hand....did some housecleaning this weekend, and I ended up throwing away five boxes of photos, probably a thousand or more rolls of 4x6 prints from the days when I would go out and shoot, experiment with different settings/filters/techniques. Ran into about a dozen or so that I actually kept. So here's a few of me (no, no lampshade pics in this batch. Those were burned.):

1. Hiking in Hawaii, circa '95-'96
2. Electrician, hard at work trying to get a 20 year old motor-generator to work. Again.
3. USS Cavalla (SSN 684) change-of-command/inactivation ceremony
4. Me and fellow EM (Mark Wood) doing some hiking in Japan.
5. Me, more than likely pissing off a lot of Japanese by climbing their statues.
6. Typical of electricians, crawling behind/under things to trace wires. Back then, I was skinny and limber enough to get behind/under/over just about anything. Heard mutters about "Gumby" when they thought I wasn't around.
7. Post-marathon, 2001. Probably closer to a hypoglycemic coma than I ever want to be again.
8. E-div, USS Drum (SSN 677) awards ceremony. I'm the bottom-left guy. Haven't even qualified subs yet.
9. Screwing around with street-art in Hong Kong. Never did get directions from the guy....


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A couple of recent shots of me and the pre-wife at a Phillies game 7 July.

and I don't know if this was posted before but here is myself, B-17Engineer and Toughombre at the WWII Weekend at Reading last month(I'm proudly wearing my T-shirt!).


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