Post ur Pic for Our New Member Mug Shot Album....

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Ahhh, but the freedom I do miss! :evil4:

Congrats Gnomey!

Over here we get diplomas, it looks like they give you guys a bottle of scotch that's packaged in those cardboard tubes. I'm thinking I like your method more - :lol:
For a SWAT team
or whatever they're called in their country, that's quite a non-uniform range of weapons. If that firefight gets protracted, I hope one of them doesn't run out of ammo because his buddy next to him won't be any help.

I know, it looks like they went to about 10 different countries and picked one example of one gun.
Nice Hugh!

Colin, when are you getting us the pic of you you promised? :evil4:

Heres mine from my graduation tonight......:lol: Hairs a bit messy, 98 degree gym, graduation whatever and a hat...

Sorry about the black other people were cut out...


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Congrats to you both, Hugh and Harrison.
Jan in a kilt!!!?? That'll be the tartan for the Ancient Clan Mac Pedersen-Orstrom then?

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