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Really GREAT job, Mike.
What the eff was that movie where the UDT team comes in with high speed boats drops teams off and attempts to destroy the anti-ship structures off the coast of France? That was a hell of a movie. Your last dio reminds me of that otftch.
"The Frogmen" with Richard Widmark. That is what the kit depicts. It came out after the movie.I remember there were photos or some kind of reference with the kit.
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Here is my attempt a backdating the old Revell Corsair F4U-1 into the XF4U-1 Prototype, there are a lot of things that could have been corrected but being my first modeling work, now I know all the things I will be correcting on an updated version of this prototype but now using the Trumpeter Model also in 1/32nd scale (this was my first model and currently I am posting under start to finish my second prototype an XP-38!)



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  • Engine Detail.jpg
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  • Full Left Side View.jpg
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