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Magnu, Here are two of my Bf 109s. The spots and squiggles were done with my Aztec airbrush using the Red .53mm nozzel. there is a finer Tan .30mm but both will do lines down to 1/64 of an inch


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Nice ones Mike. I have a Badger 200 airbush that I use most, it will spray a very fine line but I was having problems with the acrylic drying in the airbrush and clogging it. So the next plan of action is to try enamels and see if I get a better result. If not I will be giving pastels a go.
Thank you all for the kind comments, nothing like what you guys can do.
Magnu, I use blue windshield washer fluid as a thinner, works great and does not discolor any paint, even white. Seconly there are several acrylic paint "retarders" which extend drying time. They all contain Glycerine which is hygroscopic. Don't know if you can buy glycerine OTC anymore since it is used to make nitro-glycerine but you might check with local pharmacies or the internet or just go to any hobby or paint store. Don't remember the commercial names as I just add a drop or two of pure glycerine.
The only paint I've ever had problems with is the flat aluminium I used on the B-29. Probably because I used so much of it.
Working in the house without a paint booth enamel and lacquer solvents are out so everything I do is acrylics
Nice ones Mike. I have a Badger 200 airbush that I use most, it will spray a very fine line but I was having problems with the acrylic drying in the airbrush and clogging it. So the next plan of action is to try enamels and see if I get a better result. If not I will be giving pastels a go.

Lewis on my Badgers I have had the same problems and it sounds like Mike might have some solutions there for ya but all I spray is MM enamels.Mike I am disappointed in you!a man who has been through agent orange and SE Asia worried about some lauquer fumes??Just let it take you back to those days when you were young and doing things you were not suppose to be doing.:p
Javilin, after three "to stupid to duck" medals I've been home free. but the doing things I not supposed to will probably go on till they play taps for me. Now I'm old and fragile
Never had much to do with Orange (from the striped 55gal containers) it was only one of the "Rainbow" herbicides sprayed by "Operation Ranch Hand" (pink, green, purple, blue, and white). The herbicides were mostly in the lowlands and delta to force the peasants into the cities and deprive the VC from their food and support base.
Here's one I just pulled down and dusted off. B-47E in Navy markings. !/72 scale Hasegawa kit. Its about 20 years old and the decals are showing thier age.

Mike I hope you know those of us in the know appreciate your service.


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Ed, Thank you and yes I do.
A NAVY B-47, never knew such existed. Do you know the historical context?
and yes a very nice looking model. Another one I'd like to see in 1/48

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