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Thank you all for your comments .

..stunning builds all do you do your panel lines .. looks like graphite or similar?


I shade lines (post-shading) with the base color plus a few drops of black and about 80% thinner. Then a wash with "Dark Washes" MIG.

Best regards

You can never have too many Spitfires!
Here's Gleed's IR*G from the Hobbyboss 1/32 kit. A few correction parts from HpH.

One of the most beautiful aeroplanes ever built, even with the cropped wings


I've just finished a Do 27. Not exactly WW2 as its the 'Grzimek' version in which Michael Grzimek was killed following a bird strike. It was a present so I felt obliged to build it !

It's not a great kit and the painting is more an exercise in masking


I know they are not WW II but just the same they are a couple of my favorite kits. The FB-111A is the Trumpeter 1.48 FB-111 and the F 9s the Academy 1/48 with the Pave Tack form the FB-111 kit on and Afterburner decals.


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