Wojtec, what is that RDM2 colour you mentioned, and the special night colours?
Ah sorry friend, it was a bit late and I was tired when I was writting the post.Therefore the sentence is a bit inaccurate.It should have been "So their underwing surfaces and fuselage sides were painted with a colour called RDM
2 or Special Night".Sorry again.
But let's back to the RDM
2 or Special Night paint. 04.09.1940 Bomber Command introduced a new pattern for all bombers that were used as night bombers.The camo pattern was called Special Night Finish - SNF.Upper surfaces were painted like it was ordered on April the 1st 1937 (Dark Earth/Dark Green) but for underside painting the RDM
2 ( Special Night) colour was brought in.This camo pattern was used up to 16.04.1946.In addition Fighter Command started using the paint from 22.05.194 for a Night Figter camo.
2 paint was a mixture of some "ingredients" which gave very,very deep matt black colour which could absorb light in some way.
Another feature of the paint was its effect on aircraft performances, especially on speed which decreased because of the matt and well very ragged surface.Therefore the Fighter Command stopped using the paint 01.10.1942.
Night Black (RDM
2 ) FS 37038 , Humbrol33, Gunze H2, Pactra A1, Testors 1749, Xracolor X404, Lifecolor LC02.
I've seen somewhere too photos of circa 1939/40 RAF aircraft with thin yellow outlined roundels over black painted undersides - mostly fighters with their black/white scheme, but if I remember right some Hampdens and maybe Blenheims too (?)
Look at the RAF camo thread,please, you will find much info on it there,I think.
Besides I've posted some infos on it at the GreyWolf's thread about his arts.Try to find this one please.