Prinz Heinrich zu Sayn-Wittgenstein Junkers Ju 88C-6 N/F GB

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Shame that it's too big to move, movie clip and all......bouncy-bouncy if you know what I mean?

Get cracking on the '88 shortly, just thought that I'd do some more on the '109's....
Got my decals today! It was a worrying moment there for a while though, with those dark grey C9 and AE decals, until I noticed that there were a lighter grey set as well.....*phew!*

Getting closer! 8)

Owl decals look pretty good Jan, Ive got a different set with Wilhelm Beier's Ju88C-6 Markings....this is what I was thinking of doing....however there is another kit on the way to me now that qualifies for this build also....and another that I am getting tomorrow....Oh so little many choices!!
True old boy, very true..... Have the G-6 and the '110G-4 as well. Might do the Prinz Egmont's '110 later, see how well this one goes, also need to order some paint that I forgot the last time..(b*llocks!)

Beier's "88" would be good.... a bit of controversy!

Also nice to see NJG 2 represented.

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