Just watched some clips from Jay Leno's Headines.
A newspaper article about texting chose the wrong title:
"Need a girlfriend? Help may be in your palm."
Newspaper Ad: HOT ITEM! Brand new Blu-Ray DVD, "The Sound of Mucis"
Found on the back of an appliance: "WARNING: assembled in Mexico"
Newspaper Headline: "Tiger Woods plays with own balls"
Got to love statistics: "Statistics show that teen pregnancy drops off significantly after the age of 25."
Time to get a divorce? Headline: "Fisherman arrested for using wife as shark bait."
Dangers of the job: Newspaper: "A Florida phone sex operator has won a workers' compensation case, claiming that she was injured after regularly masturbating at work."
Headline: "Bonnie blows Clinton!" Oh, did we fail to mention that Bonnie is a hurricane and Clinton is a town?? oops.
Headline: "Clinton's firmness gets results."
Jane Fonda to teenagers: "Use head to avoid pregnancy."
Florida's advice: "Tips to avoid alligator attacks: don't swim in waters inhabite by large alligators."
"Clinton apologizes to syphilis victims."
"Student excited dad got head job."
"Typhoon rips through cemetary: hundreds dead."
"Prostitutes appeal to Pope."
"Iraqi head seeks arms."
"Never withhold herpes infection from loved one."
"Drunk gets nine months in violin case."
"Police begin campaign to run down jaywalkers." (that will stop 'em!)