Quotes and Jokes (3 Viewers)

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Someone during WW2 noticed that fighter pilots have to be confident

By the ring around his eyeball
You can tell a bombardier;
You can tell a bomber pilot
By the spread around his rear,
You can tell a navigator
By his sextants, maps and such
You can tell a fighter jockey
A few verses of songs overheard in the 1950s:
The bomber pilots life is but a farce
reading comics on the john
with the auto pilot on
the bomber pilots life is but a farce

you can tell a navigator by his ass
It's 40 inches wide
getting wider every ride
you can tell a navigator by his ass

Throw a nickel on the grass
save a fighter pilot's ass ...?

Those fragments are all that remain in my memory, after 65 years ago as a teen listening to men my father's age enjoy singing.

Then, there were the paratroopers' songs - for another day.
A woman tossed a coin into the wishing well.
"I want to be irresistible to my boyfriend. I want him to want to hold me and caress me every waking moment. I want to be the first thing he looks at when he wakes up, and the last thing he sees before going to bed. When we're apart, I want him to want nothing else but to reunite with me as soon as he possibly can."
She was turned into a smartphone.

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