R.I.P. Commander Alex Vraciu

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Staff Sergeant
Sep 2, 2010
96 years old, one of the great Hellcat aces.

What Might Have Been for a Famous Navy Ace - National Naval Aviation Museum


Marianas Turkey Shoot, "Ace In A Day"

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Vraciu was shot down by Jap flak in Dec 1944 and spent six months with the USAFFE guerillas gathering intelligence. When rescued he was not allowed to return for combat.

He was CO of the start up of Naval and Marine Air Reserve programs and many years later won the USN High Individual Air to Air competition..

When Capt Jimmie "Doc" Savage passed away in 1984, Vraciu and Paul Thayer and I were among the Pall bearers. He (Savage) was a past President American Fighter Aces and one of my father's dearest friends.

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