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Who says he's going to build them? Maybe they're like Imelda Marcos' shoes.

Oh damn, not with the shoes again....
What a great idea! Let's get a few of the UK members to buy a derelict airfield, and each can have a house from the old buildings, and the Mess can be our own private pub! And definitely no pooftahs, wingeing w*nkers, Hippocroccofrogs, or politicians of any level allowed - unless they are for target practice.
BTW, your job is to provide the Judies ......
Seeing how Jan is buying up all the 1/48 B-17's I thought I'd show you my latest 1/72 scores. there must be(17) something in the air? :shock:

First is Revells newest B-17G. The reviews on this kit have been great.


the next is Academys B-17G


I've currently got an F and E models on the bench and am in search for another E. Now comes the task of figuring out where to put them once completed. :oops:

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