Regia Aeronautica Bf 109 G-4

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I could have done it freehand, as I did on the sides, but the straight demarcation lines with sharp angles lead me to think that masks have been used on the real bird as well, but may be I'm wrong.
And this is what I'm trying to understand, may be for the next model.
I found this picture on Kagero Monograph n.22 dedicated to Bf 109 G/K

Even if it is referred to factory fresh G2s and not to a G4, it confirms that hard edge demarcation existed, so I feel a bit better.
a few steps forward:

I added repainting done by Italians to cover German insigna.
For this particular bird there is photographic evidence that RA airmen didn't just covered German markings with gray paint but also added some "Verde oliva scuro" patches.

"Grigio azzurro chiaro" paint also sprayed underwing.

As you may have noticed, I also added the white cross on the fin and the fuselage band.
Next step will be to cover everything with Future and then add decals.
Finally to add some details left for the last minute.
Any comment/suggestion is welcome as always.
since I retired from work, I normally spend the Summer season on my house on the coast of Tuscany

So I did this year as well, so almost no modelling for three months.
I said "almost" because something I did, absolutely O.T. for this forum: I spent some time adding some rigging to this wooden galleon:

(To be continued next Summer ...)

In the mean time I received the Stormo decals I needed for my G4 and next week, being back in Milan, I should be able to post new photos.
I also started the CR32 from Silver Wings and I will start a new thread for her.
Looks like a nice place Alberto. I always have wanted to do a wooden sail ship model like that but would not know where to put it or how to keep the dust off it. Nice work on that, What ship is it?
back in Milan I did some work on my G4:
- modified German camou as was done by Italian service men in order to cover German insignia on wings and fuselage
- added decals,
- coated everything with Future

To follow:
- blend everything to tune down color contrast
- add some weathering
- add last little details

Any comment and/or suggestion is more then welcome, as usual.
Many thanks to all for your comments.
By the way, an Italian expert, on a different forum, reminded me that wing roundels for Regia Aeronautica 109 were mostly made with a particular mask, as seen here:

What is noticeable in this mask is that there is no interruption in 12 o'clock position so, before going on, I had to adjust that

Also worth of notice is that I have decals from three different brands: all with the same mistake.

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