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cute corporal for your official site pin up?

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I think I missed something, CC and advice? Just kidding

The two scariest things to here in the cockpit: The instructer pilot with 3500 hours saying "Hey watch this!"
The Leutenant saying "From my prior experience"
Oh okay its an aviation thing.

Instructor pilots normally have the most hours, our average one has about 3500 hours and they are normally the best pilots but they sometimes get over confident and kill you because they think they are undestructable. So the famous last words you hear of the instructor pilot before you eat dirt is "Hey watch this!"

The one about the leutenants is that they have not experience because they just came out of college. But they think they know everything but even a privat with a year in the army has more military experience than a LT. So the famous words of the LT are "From my prior experience" It is a joke we have.

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