Revell B-29 Superfortress 1/48

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Impressive Boats!!! Did you try th weight the nose? I managed to get the nose down on the one I built years ago, but I remember stuffing every available space under the cockpit deck with lead. Must of been a couple of pounds.
Impressive Boats!!! Did you try th weight the nose? I managed to get the nose down on the one I built years ago, but I remember stuffing every available space under the cockpit deck with lead. Must of been a couple of pounds.

Ahoy Mike
Thanks for the reply No I didn,t I should have I will use epoxied brass rod for the tail post to keep the ship level . I might go ahead and fill the engine nacelles with BBs I will have to experiment to see if it will bring the nose down.

Don't go overboard... you might end up with so much counterbalance that you might compromise the integrity of the wingbox. :shock:

I say this because the AMT KC-135 is notorious for needing additional strength for an OOB build. Adding BBs or lead weights may only exacerbate and structural problem that may manifest itself once hung up. Just sayin'.
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Don't go overboard... you might end up with so much counterbalance that you might compromise the integrity of the wingbox. :shock:

I say this because the AMT KC-135 is notorious for needing additional strength for an OOB build. Adding BBs or lead weights may only exacerbate and structural problem that may manifest itself once hung up. Just sayin'.

Ahoy Drew
Yep I was thinking about that dont want to add to much weight the thought of adding weight never arised in my thinkng my first thought was going to epoxie a brass rod where the clear plastic pogo is attached to the rear fuselage the clear piece the kit gives you proves to be to flimsy it will break in time the model is heavy useing brass rod will work better.
It's looking good, and huge Boats! If it's a tail-sitter, then another alternative is to glue it to a display base. Makes it a permanent fixture of course, but gets rid of the tail post.
It's looking good, and huge Boats! If it's a tail-sitter, then another alternative is to glue it to a display base. Makes it a permanent fixture of course, but gets rid of the tail post.

Ahoy Terry
You hit the nail right on the head that is a splendid Idea, I should have thought of that thanks Terry i will do just that.. I hope you are feeling better and everything is all squared away we dont want to see you in the hanger. thanks Terry I will honor that Idea

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Hey Boats, I know you mix your own camo colors, what do you use for Bare metal and Aluminum?


Ahoy George
I use two different methods of Aluminum finishes, I uise Reynalds Wrap aluminum foil, and Areo gloss silverair aluminum dope, If useing
dope it has to be thinned down useing Laquer thinner or dope Thinner, The Aluminum dope will give you a hard durable finish a lot better then the alcades or any other aluminum plateing being used. it has the natural aluminum shadeing as the real thing been useing that stuff scince the 1950s.

What do you use to stick the aluminum foil down? When I use that stuff, I have straight white glue.

Ahoy My Man
I use spray on adhesive or thinned down contact cement if useing spray on adhesive from a spray can spray only on the foil makeing certain each panel you cover is prefit once the foil is layed down it there for keeps. burnish out the foil with a soft cloth when the foil job is completed seal the foil with future most of the time the foil dont need any sealing it keeps it luster.

Update build report for the day just finished priming the model getting ready for the Aluminum paint schedule.. After checking for any sdeams that i miseed I gave the ship 1 coat of gray primer, after the paint had dried I checked to see any there were none to be found.. I went and assembled the landing gear and the bomb bay door linkages. the wheel wells and bomb bay doors were painted interier green when dry gave them a coat of black wash like I done on the intereirs details..the bomb doors and wheel well doors will be assembled when the ship is all painted up. starting to look like a B-29 without a shadow of doubt.. I forgot how big this thing is I thought buff was big but this model takes the cake tomorrow I will start the aluminum color but before I start the final paint schedule I will have to gloss up the primer gray until its smooth as a babys Rump. this will make the aluminum color go on smooth as if it was being sprayed on glass. Here is the update pictures of the night tomorrow will be the moment of truth.



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I have one in the stash. But my skill level definatly not anywhere close enough to tackle that. So for now I will stick to 1/32 single engine guys. That is on hell of a job your doing.Give me inspiration.
thank Terry and you other Great Fellows. Here is the update for the day I just completed the aluminum painting useing Areo gloss silverair aluminum dope. I applied 4 good coats of this stuff magic in a bottle i call it.. I am letting the B-29 dry over night and in the morning i will give the ship a good rub down useing cheese cloth this will burnish in the paintede surfaces. Before everything is done I will do some masking and add some panel work. the paneling painting will be done useing again the Areo gloss dope mixed in with a hint of blue to give it different shades..Lastly I painted thye engine cowlings landing gear doors and bomb bay doors too.. So I will kick back and smoke a good cigar and drink a few beers and enjoy life and spend a good time here on the forum. Here is the shiney B-29



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