Revell B-29 Superfortress 1/48

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The Mighty Superfortress build is coming close to being finished Should have her done this evening tomorrow perhaps some finished pictures. Ok while everything is drying nicely its time for the rest of the assembly and the decals. Spending some time on touch ups here and there useing cheese cloth I buffed out the intire ship uintil smooth as a Babys rump.. One thing i hate about natural aluminum finishes is the conciderable dust accumilation your consantly blowing off dust as long as it blows off no damage done..Next I am moving to the 8 exaust fairings I painted them first useing red oxide letting dry and giving them a wash in black.. lastly I will paint the rudder yellow and the prop cuffs the same and she is good to go.

going through the build there is conciderable amount of flash I can see scince 1977 its first release and still going strong as of now the molds have taken their toll. Perhaps the molds can be retooled in the future I would love to see this done. A great kit fellas if you lik them Big. Here is the update build report.


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I have one of these in the stash. What is your address so I can ship it to you for building BTW is there such a thing as aluminium leaf, like gold leaf?
A company called 'Bare Metal Foil Co.' supply sheets of self-adheshive foil, in bright and dull finishes. Far as I know, in the 'States, it's available from Squadron. It's basically the same as plumbers/electricians metal/aluminium tape, which can be obtained in very thin (micron) gauges.
No Prem. It needs to be cut to fit each panel accurately, then carefully placed and rubbed down. Some versions are self adhesive, others need a thin glue. Been many years since I used any, although I plan to use some on a EE Lightning (along with metallic paints) at some time in the future.
Know everything? Not really - I'm just an (almost) old fart, been around a long time!!
A Hardy thank you to you fellas I sure appreciate the replies never kinew the old B-29 drew so much attention sadly to to say she is finished all is left is the canopy and I am on it now.. Okay fellas the last up date for the build next will be the finished pictures. got all of the decals do0ne and the touch up painting is finished the yellow cuffs on all props are painted the yellow on the fin is painted as well this thing is so shiney I can see myself for a good shave.. When I finishe up the canopy the build is done. trying to think whats next to build I might join the group build thats shaken now I will surprise you fellas okay here are the update shots the next wilol be the finished subject.



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Thanks fellas for your replies I wo9uld first love to thank all you fellas who visited and replied to my Build I am Honored you guys are the Greatist. The B-29 build is concluded and time to start another, This is the second superfortress kit by monopgram i have built in my life I can tell looking at all of the sprues have taken their toll flash build up is almost present everywhere but in turn it will give you something to do in prepareing parts for painting and assembly.. Now she is done its time to hang her up in the crowded skies of my man cave if I need to shave I just look up on the underside of the B-29 and use it for a mirror LOLllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll The kit was very enjoyable as big as it is you will need plenty of room to house this beast. So here is the pictures of the mighty B-29


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