RIP pbfoot

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Neil if you can see this, I am so saddened by your passing. We were friends, and then we had a stupid fight. I apologise for that. It all seems so little now with the passage of events. I valued your advice and opinions, and most times you were right.

Rest In Peace my friend, even though I am late.
ragman you have that so right.......damn the cancer I just got out from under it prayerfully. Neil and I went way back to when he/I first joined up and some great private conversations about Canadian squadrons versus the Luftwaffe besides the cancer were were both fighting at the same time.

will be missing you Bro, the pain is gone now ............... rest.

Erich ~
If anyone has any pictures of him, please post them up.

Somewhere in my dungeon of pictures on my computer I have some that he sent me with the 109E at the museum he helped out at. I will try and find them.
Here are a few of Neil and one with the planes he worked around. You gotta check out his thread to realize how committed he was....

me in spit_1_1.jpg
IMG_lanc hm1.jpg
Very sad to hear about this. Neil and I got so close to hooking up at the 2011 CWH Airshow. We were both there at the same time, arranged a meet, and somehow I flubbed it. That's weighing on me now.

Neil, I know you'll somehow be at Geneseo with your cooler again this year. RIP my friend. My deepest condolences to the family.
RIP Neil

Condolences to his family, both at home and on the forum, its a heavy hit with his passing.

We talked about the Arrow a bit a couple months ago, and how it'd be cool if he could make it up to our Aviation Museum here :) (in Ottawa) so I'll have to get at it in gear and post those pictures, not a lot of members make it up here and when they do, they always miss out on our Museum (its not in an accesible location any longer with our bus route)

At least Neil's got the chance to fly any aircraft he wants to, if he isn't too busy trying out his new Wings:angel4: (I hope the Angel Smiley works)
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Another pic of Neil that he posted for the Mugshot thread in 2005. I believe that's his girlfriend as she appears in a few other pics.
That's bad news indeed. Don't know what to say. Even started his birthdaythread a few days ago. I knew he was fighting cancer, that threacherous disease. But I didn't know Neil lost that battle. Now he went the road that we'll all have to go someday. But he'll never fully die as long as we remember him. My condolences go to the family.

Thanks Chris for informing us.
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