Shinpachi's 3D/CGI World

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Thanks GG, Gnomey, Aaron and vB!

I frankly wish to manufacture a real one


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The connection rod for R-3350.
I know things will not be so easy but please enjoy my working process/progress.



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Thanks Ross for your nice information.
Your advice always inspires me very much.

Good day mate


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Thanks Aaron and Gnomey!
A new image is added to my last post as it belongs to my old work now.

I am arranging full set of connection rods to show in my next post.
Please look forward to it.
Thanks Aaron and vB but I have to apologize

My last caption was wrong. It was not the connection rod but the master rod.
Image attached here shows a master rod with eight connection rods.

Please enjoy.


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Thanks Wayne, Aaron, Gnomey, Lucky, vB and fnqvmuch from other thread
Please enjoy!


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