Swine Flu

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Christ, what caused the outbreak, somebody coming back from Mexico?

Yeah....if you trust the news. Senior class trip at one school was to Cancun a week or two ago, half the senior class now has the swine flu and its rampaging through the school. The rest....probably panic or hangovers, as someone cleverly stated.
There's enough stuff going on out there that actually IS smokescreening the shellgame in Washington, and this isn't one of 'em.

This is the just typical media hype blowing things out of proportion. Like it was commented earlier, more people die from regular Flu worldwide in a typical season than this...

Besides, for all the hysteria spinning off of this "pandemic", have they all forgotten the Avian Flu already?
The media wants everyone scared to go out of their homes... Spread the fear and the ratings go up.....

Its that simple...

The goverment has to warn everyone about this disease, so everyone is prepared. Also, what about the 1918 swine flu outbreak?It killed 20 million people.

Bill, the reason why people react like this is that you "pulled Obama into this by the hairs" as we Dutch say. There was absolutely no connection to Obama and still you start your Obama-bashing using this subject. I hope you don't seriously believe that Obama is behind all this.
The goverment has to warn everyone about this disease, so everyone is prepared. Also, what about the 1918 swine flu outbreak?It killed 20 million people.

I agree about your first point.
These are different times than 1918. It won't be such a major outbreak as back then. Scientists already proved that there effective medicines available to beat this virus.
The 1918 Flu was known as the Spanish Flu, lasted for two years and affected half the world's population...that's a true pandemic.

We'll see how this situation plays out...it might fizzle like the Bird Flu did...hopefully.

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