TBD Devestator Torpedo Bomber 1/33 scale

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Great stuff mate, it's looking the business !
Ahoy Airframes
thank you for your wonderfull reply on my TBD She starting to look like a TBD without a doubt. I have loads of work ahead on me I have the fuselage assembly finished spent 8 hours today on the build getting a bit tuckered out thanks for your reply I appreciate this.


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Fuselage unit completed
Here is the update for today been at this for 8 hours getting a bit tuckered out got loads of work ahead of me. Starting to look like a Devestator Torpedo Bomber now, Next step i added the upper decking of the cockpit compartments done some interier details to spruce it up a tad. The plexi glass green house canopy was added first by cutting out the window opening on the cardstock canopy useing packing tape inside out simulatews the glass. But befor the packing tape was added I painted the inside of the caopy frames zinc chromate yellow. When the model is compoleted i will go back and touch up with an airbrush all the blue gray color to bring out the weathered appearance from the salt air and water. Tommorow I will start on the wings.


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Looks great Boats. Does the packing tape for the canopy not collect dust with time? Might be an idea to use thin cellophane, from packaging materials, held in place with either tape of PVA (white glue)?
Looks great Boats. Does the packing tape for the canopy not collect dust with time? Might be an idea to use thin cellophane, from packaging materials, held in place with either tape of PVA (white glue)?
Ahoy Airframes
No it wont collect dust because I added the tape inside and outside the tape sticks to itself when the two sticky sides are taped together. The Tube glue works well when you glue it to the fuselage. PVA is optional or you can use hotglue or Ca glue its up to the builder which adhesive works the best. I found useing testors tube glue works just as good as the rest of the glues.
Looking very nice, Boats. Keep working up. :thumbright:

Me... :lol:











Ahoy wurger
thanks you for the reply to say the least there is some nice looking models you have there all card. Ver Very nice wurger that P-51 looks superb. these card kits are hard to beat a lot of fellas out there scratch their heads ans wonder how paper looks like the real thing. A HARDY WELL DONE .

THX Mate. Glad you like these. To be honest, it's much easier to make card models then these plastic ones. And your stuff doesn't have to be so impressive. Just scissors, a couple of scalpel blades, some of cardboard and black ink, a pencil, a matal ruler.
Wing assembly
thanks everyone for your wonderfull replies, Update for today Still have loads of work to do on the wings. On the folllowing photos show how the wings are made after cutting out the wings they are formed to shape and all ribs and spars are glued inside the wings to give strength and support., Once the wings are constructed they in turn are installed to the completed fuselage unit. The the fillets are glued in to position and let dry, when the wings dry they need a good tune up by burnishing the from the trailing edge up to the leading edge to make certain that the wings are straight.Tommorow I will touch up the wings with my blue gray mixture useing my airbrush. then add the wing walks which are not included in the kit they have to be colored in useing a black felt tip marker works best. Here are the updates more pix tommorow. Boats


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A little bit blurry imges. But looking nice. What kind of a glue do you use for your card models ?
I must have a try at the Bf109F my good friend Wojtek sent me. But, being paper/card, and with my hands, I reckon it will end up looking like the contents of a waste-paper basket !!!
Terry I think you should try to make the model. It shouldn't be difficult for you dispite your bothering hands.
Ahoy Wurger
Thanks My Friend Darn batteries going dead on me The next updates will be clearer I should have previewed the pix before posting. My upmost apologies. For year wurger I been useing Aleens Tacky Glue and contact cement good stuff though. Like you said all you need is No. 11 blades glue and a straight edge and plenty of patience. When I finish this TBD I have A Kate Torpedo bomber comeing up next. Wurger on the P-51 Malcom hood clip wing mustang what company produces that kit or is it your own design i love to take a crack at one of thoes.

I must have a try at the Bf109F my good friend Wojtek sent me. But, being paper/card, and with my hands, I reckon it will end up looking like the contents of a waste-paper basket !!!

Ahoy Terry
NAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa dont worry about it you,ll do fine on the kit just work slow all it is just paper have a little patience and more then half the battle is done. I would love to see a 109. You will do well.

Ahoy Wurger
Thanks My Friend Darn batteries going dead on me The next updates will be clearer I should have previewed the pix before posting. My upmost apologies. For year wurger I been useing Aleens Tacky Glue and contact cement good stuff though. Like you said all you need is No. 11 blades glue and a straight edge and plenty of patience. When I finish this TBD I have A Kate Torpedo bomber comeing up next. Wurger on the P-51 Malcom hood clip wing mustang what company produces that kit or is it your own design i love to take a crack at one of thoes.


THX for the info about the glue. :D

The P-51B/C Mustang III is, like your TBD Devastator bomber, of Mały Modelarz. It is the issue №1-2/2003. I almost scratched the entire cockpit interior as the one in the paper kit it is for D variant of the Mustang rather. Also made all wheels by my hand.
The Su-22M4 is the Mały Modelarz №10-11-12/2003.






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