The Augsburg Eagle....

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Anyhoo, as I've bought this (in the mail)....

....and I've got this sitting..

...gonna get a start this weekend, me thinks....

First and foremost, as good as Eduard's PE is, never been a fan of the colours on them there bits, so.....

.....would it help to dab a bit of paint on these parts, to make them blend better with the rest of the cockpit?

Also, the E-3 comes with yellow 1's and 3's, that with a bit of tinkering, probably would fit that Jagdgruppe Drontheim better, than those slightly thicker ones.....or?

Good stuff old boy. I'd leave the pre-painted instrument panel as it is - the real thing was a darker grey than the cockpit, probably RLM 66, when the cockpit was RLM 02.
So you've got the E-1, E-3 and E-4/7. But have you got the variant licence-built in Yorkshire, the E -ba gum?
I've got me coat and the taxi is waiting ......................
I was gonna say, 'let's get cracking', but before I knew it and after topping up with new brushes....

.....some black (unfortunately my LHS don't have Vallejo Model Air, but Model Color), plus super glue, the muppet that I am (yes I know Terry, thank you...), I forgot normal glue, another trip back shortly to rectify that mistake....btw, they've got tons of Airfix and have sold a few of the 1/24 Typhoon!

Managed to do a wee bit.... the cockpit...

....tossed some paint on here and there...

....until my airbrush started to act funny, lo and behold....

£11 the blasted wee thing cost me, to replace!

Anyhoo....soldiered on with some of the PE, to see what's what....

Fiddled a bit with the panel....

Next thing up is this one....

Hopefully, it won't be too long before I get my replacement part, as it comes by 1st Class....
Jolly good stuff old chap.
Airbrush acting funny? Has it been appearing at the Edinburgh Fringe?
BTW, I like those wide-handle brushes. I used to be able to get them from the LHS, but Iris hasn't been able to get any recently, just the standard type, with the 'modern' pointy bristles.
If your shop has them in a No.3 and a No.5 size, could you grab me 2 of each please, and let me know how much I owe you? I'll send the cash on to you old boy.

Don't be silly old chap, don't want to drain your pint account.....
Anyhoo, the brushes that I bought are as follows; 0 (the blue one), 2/0, 3/0, 4/0, 5/0 and 1, 2, 3. Are they the same, 2/0, 3/0 and 2, 3?
Fiddled a bit more with the panel....
Trying to keep things rolling, while waiting for spareparts...

See what'll tooled with next, maybe the poweregg....or more on the cockpit, which can be done before painting....

Oh btw, while at my LHS yesterday, I saw those two Trumpeter(?) 1/200 ships...the size of the boxes!!!
Much obliged gentlemen, appreciated as always!
Hopefully, I'll have the new part for the airbrush next week, until then, do a bit here and there, which can be painted afterwards....simples!

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