The What is it? Game

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You might not belive me Geede but that thing only have 6 cylinder.

Yup, 6 cylinders and two crankshafts each with 6 pistons facing each other and hopefully not meeting in the middle !

That engine is either
a. Junkers Jumo 204
b Napier Culverin.

Napier licence built the Jumo 204. It was 720 hp 2 stroke diesel, vertically opposes 6 cylinder engin. It had two six throw crankshafts connected by a train of gears in the front of the engine.

So.....I'm going with the Fairy 111F !
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The second one I mention that used the Junkers Jumo 205C engine whas the Blohm und Voss Bv 138 A
nicknamed "Der Fliegende Holzschuh (The Flying Clog)". see Link

a webbsite that tell storys of Ju 86 in service in South Afrika
The South African Air Force

here a picktures of the 880hp 205D-version used by later Blohm und voss Bv 138 series,


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close enough for government work, as my dad used to say
Actually a Yak-52, your turn


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Darn it it whas fast, yes it is the Sea Vixen taken in Flambards, Helston in Cornwall. Gratz Capt. Vick, you are the winner.


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Capt. Vick or dosent other whanna came up whit another challenge? ok Ill give you a new one so try this.


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