Trackends Attempts 2nd ever build a Spite IX

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Chief Master Sergeant
Dec 20, 2003
Ipswich, Suffolk
Goodmorning,Goodafternoon,Goodevening or Goodnight (please select the the approprieate greeting to match your time zone)

This is my second ever model build the first being a Tamiya 1/35th Bren carrier and with much swearing and mountains of help form you fellas I ended up with a reasonable result.
Again I will be asking lots of daft questions about kit building (some I have already emailed to our resident experts) Instead of bunging your own threads up I think it is best I have my own one.
I am a total novice at this so I will be making loads of errors but I hope it will help guys who are in the same boat as me not to give up hope but perciever.

Before I even started this build I had a problem as my eyesight is not very good, so not being backward in coming forward I spoke with Airframe (Terry) as he is doing some very fine work. I now know he is around my age and also lacks 20/20 vision but he uses a helping hands bit of kit that has a mag glass attached I had a look on google and I believe I now know what he uses.

As it's Sunday and no chance of getting one of these for a while I went into my garage and came up with this
(see below) I found a piece of 2X2 , and a pair of tweezers. I then drilled 2 holes screwed one end to the wood and epoxed a small bolts head to one blade of the tweezers and left the bolt loose through the other hole.
I then rummaged around and found a soft plastic end from a bathroom light pull cord (these have a hole for the cord to go through) by letting it cut its own thread onto the bolt I can use it to tighten the blades together
The wood is heavy enough that it does'nt move about but I can stand it up or lay it down as required.
it seems to be really effective if i use it under my homade lamp magnifier it clamps the smal parts firmly without any damage problems.

All of what I am doing from now on I have picked up from reading the threads on this site or articals and info kindly supplied by various members of this site, so it is readily available to all of us here.
So now down to the build. Revell 1/48th Spitefire MK IX
First I washed the parts to get rid of grease and releasing agent that may be left after the injection molding, then an airbrushed flat base coat (light grey in this case) to give me a good keying surface last for today I applied the airframe green to the major internal surfaces.
More when I have done a bit but be warned Im very slow at doing modeling I read,digest re read then take my time.... then swear and start again so it may be a little while before my next post on this build


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hey Lee before you get too excited , have you got my email about confirming the Spitfire kit, as I have some PDF's that will be invaluable to you!

Hi Wayne
Ive PM'ed you so it should explain things
many thanks lee

PS I've stopped doing anything more till I've looked at your info Wayne.

I must also mention here WOjtek (Wurger) as he sent me a fantastic document on painting models, this was invaluable in my first build and is so comprehensive, I keep it handy for reference on the side of my work area.
thanks again WOjek
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Looks like a great kit Lee, should be a nice build!

How are ya looking for the Wellington build btw?
I'm thinking of doing a 1:72 Mk.X for the bomber an interesting comparison to see how the '72 and '48 kits shape up... (Your workmanship will be better though I think )

I must also mention here WOjtek (Wurger) as he sent me a fantastic document on painting models, this was invaluable in my first build and is so comprehensive, I keep it handy for reference on the side of my work area.
thanks again WOjek

You are welcome Lee.I'm very glad I was helpful.
Looking forward to the progress made to the model. Keep working....
Theyre always useful Wayne......

Glad to see ur on the train Lee, lookin forward to ur progress.....

Blimey Dan I better make a decent job of it when you're around mate or you'll have me square bashing for a week just cause i did something trivial like glue the wings on upside down.

I also understand you do a bit of judging on here , I hope it aint the Dredd type?

Nice to hear from you my friend

PS well well heres a bit extra to this post
I got a PDF from Wayne and it was all about making my particular Rev Spit MKIX kit, fortunately its in the form of an idiot guide so it suits me perfectly.

I just had to try it out so I've just spent 4 hours doing the pilots seat its still not right but I have learned from doing it, no 1 the detailing is very fine on this kit and I made my paint far too thick so lost some deffinition in doing it even though I used an airbrush for the framing.
no 2 I hate glue the control lever was a pig to begin with so having read that sometimes super glue or weld is used and having no weld (other than a mig one which is a bit severe) it left super glue.
I realise one error in fitting and it would be stuck fast but I was getting nowhere with the Revell liquid **** cement
I picked up the lever in my tweezers and bingo did the bloody same thing as I did with the bren carriers tow hook and fired the thing across the room, 25 minutes late I had found it an it went on like a dream.
Anyways from now on I shall build in a hermetically sealed box to stop loosing bits
Sorry the pictures a bit grainy my main camera needs its batteries charging so this is just a small one I used.
I can see at least 2 places were the painting needs tidying up but the feel I was trying for of a worn seat seems to be not too bad. the main thing is that I am learning by any mistakes I am making.


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