USAFA Graduation 2013

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Apr 9, 2005
Colorado, USA
Well there's a new flock of butter bars coming out of the USAFA. No T-Bird fly over or airshow so several WW2 warbirds did the traditional fly over during the hat toss. 2 B-25s, a TBM, Wildcat, Corsair, P-47 and 3 Mustangs. Too far for good pics, I didn't bring my camera but did get this one with my cell phone.


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I miss Colorado... :( There were always some WW2 aircraft flying around, especially in the Summer. I usually volunteered for the Rocky Mountain Fly-in. Now I have to wait until I can move back. You're a lucky man Joe. :)
I'm with you Evanglider,this sequester bs is ummmm bs...yeah yeah I know no politics thou it's pretty cool that the old timersare stepping up to the plate...

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