Western Canadian Regional Model Contest (2012)

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My comment wasn't aimed at anyone in particular, just a general moan. Perhaps I'm being overly-defensive because I like to highlight the panel lines on my own models, and I'm also aware how much photography can render them much more pronounced than they actually appear in real life. My apologies if anyone took my comments personally, I had no-one specific in mind when I made them.
OK guys, that's enough of a group hug now. Er.. guys, I said you can let go now. HEY!!!!!

Next up, 1/72 Moderate Detail Muli-engined Prop. First place, and Italeri C-47, second, a Minicraft Ventura (sorry about the pic - blue on blue with glare), and third, an Italeri Hs 129. Kinda like the marquetry the guy did on the base. Only the 3 entries in this category.


  • Italeri C47 Gold.jpg
    78.7 KB · Views: 67
  • Italeri Hs 129B Bronze.jpg
    72.4 KB · Views: 63
  • Minicraft Ventura Silver.jpg
    57.4 KB · Views: 61
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Well, there was another C-47 there that was, I think, even more impressive in that it was part of a diorama depicting members of the 101st Airborne division boarding the plane. Pics are below but I unfortunately missed writing down the category, make, and placing of this kit, although I'm pretty sure it was in 1/48 scale. Unfortunately on these and others I took of the above Dak, there was image blurring due to someone shaking the table while I had the camera on aperture priority. At this model show, they raised the already shaky tables so that they were quite high and I didn't notice until downloading the pictures that I had blurring so my apologies for that.

I really like the below display. Hope you do too.


  • C-47 1.jpg
    80.6 KB · Views: 70
  • C-47 2.jpg
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  • C-47 3.jpg
    69.4 KB · Views: 73
  • C-47 4.jpg
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  • C-47 5.jpg
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Looks pretty nice. But seems a bit like a bunch of aftermarket accessories just stacked about, 1 each of every US weapons in upacked state, wheels, Jerry cans, drums, grenades and bazooka rounds sitting in the open, you get what I mean. A bit arbitrary in my opinion. I hope that's not too harsh.

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