What Annoyed You Today? (3 Viewers)

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The house im living in on base is being destroyed. So they are moving us to another house on base. POS movers are taking 2 days to move things (which me and my wife could have done in a day). Now we have to go stay in a Hotel tonight due to their slow asses. GRRRRR...........

Now they broke my little girls cloths dresser, and my computer desk. Really?............
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Getting pumped up to go Turkey Hunting and the season is still at least 3+ months away depending on if I get drawn for a Lisc or not... Can still get a over the counter Lisc. in the later season if I want to deal with crowds in the woods.
It's "A Tree grows in Brooklyn."

I was up till 1 in the morning reading from page 1-100 and I still have 50 pages!! It's due tomorrow...god help me......

You should read the book titled " Galloping across the Prairie". It has 500 pages. On the first one is written " Gee up! ". Then " patataj, patatj " through 498 pages. And on the last page " Whoa! " Really nice book for quick reading,
You are not going to believe this one.....

Background- my niece is 2.5 yrs - one of triplets. She is deaf and has CP. 2 weeks before Christmas my brother gives her her meds at lunch, she eats then takes a nap....

a few hours later he checks on her. She doesn't normally sleep that long. He tries to wake her. No response. SIL and he try to wake her. No response.

He grabs her oxygen tube, sticks it in her nose and cranks up the nozel to 100% saturation, jumps in the car with her and flies to the hospital (he's a cop- he freakin flew to the hospital). She's admitted- they draw blood (THANK GOD FOR THAT).... don't know what's wrong.

Flight for life her to Denver. Then helicopter her to the hospital. She's there for a week- tubes, tests... they even drilled into her leg bones and put in some "taps" for something. OMG

Doctors still baffled but she sent home, as she's back to normal levels on everything.

Doctors said it had to be some kind of virus. BS!!! No virus does that to you and doesn't show up on any test.

SIL said the drug looked different than it normally does, brother said it smelled funny. Hospital said there's no way to test. BS.

My dad and my brother send one of her drugs to a private lab for testing and had her blood sample sent over too. It's a liquid compounded drug in a vial that she takes from a syringe.

remember she's 2!! and weighs about 20ish pounds...

We got the results back to day. The lab chemists set the perameters on his dosage testing machine thing (whatever the heck they have) at 70x the perscribed dosage just as a high number -- fully expecting it would come back as like 2x higher, or even the correct dosage.......

OK are you ready......

70% higher. It maxed out the range.

He's redoing it tomorrow since her dose is 0.01 and 70% doesn't make sense; he's expecting it to come back as 100x higher than it should have mixed at.

Some freakin moron mixing drugs at that pharmacy doesn't know what the h@#L a decimal point is and came within minutes of killing a 2 year old. 70x higher is a lethal dose for an ADULT!!! Let alone a 20 lbs. 2 year old.

Had my brother 1) not check on her, and 2) not put her oxygen on and cranked it up- she wouldn't have made it. ((She only needs her oxygen at high altitudes like in CO,if she's sick/congested, or if she were to fly on a plane))

Lesson......... when you get a perscription for a liquid.... ask who's mixing your drug. If they say different people, or a tech- walk out and go somewhere else. We now only go to one place. A pharmacist - and only 1 pharmacist - mixes their drugs and they do it at night when the store is closed and there are no distractions and that is their only job.

not sure "annoyed" is the word............
Glad your niece is Okay KM , youngest sisters nearly 2 so I know that kinda thing can be sh!t scary

Thats pathetic to say the least about the drug mixing

Someone was looking over you guys
Agreeing with Daniel pathetic.

Like when I had to get taken to the hospital cause I cut my arm open and down to the bone. Ambulance took 30 minutes to get here and I was bleeding, then ended up staying overnight and had to get 38 stithces. The following year I had to get 12 stitches in my leg and the ambulance came in 5 minuteS???
Jeez K that was a bloody close call, glad your niece is now ok and the cause was discovered. Also quick and calm action by your brother.

Makes my gripe about not getting the rain that was forecast seem paltry.


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