What Annoyed You Today? (1 Viewer)

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Yesterday, as Vassili and I were leaving our WWII class while talking to another student, some yahoo came up to us, asking whether or not this was the right room for his class. When we said no, he then asked Vassili and I to help him find his room-looked to me like a typical stoner.
Anyway, I look at his schedule, and it said room 408, and he was down at room 414. We then tell him that its down the hallway on the right, and I'm thinking now he nows where to go.
But no, he's still standing there like and idiot, still confused on where he's supposed to go. So finally, Vassili and I actually lead him down to the appropiate classroom, and then just got the hell out of there. How he got into college is beyond me.

In the words of Les (hope you don't mind): Fri@*kin meatball!

I wonder if he made it home after class
Oh yeah Bucksnort, sorry to hear about those @sshole kids. I think I knew of those from high school. If it makes you feel better, they usually don't go very far in life.

Problem is I thinkg thre drivers was the mother of the smarta$$ kid that stuck his tongupe out at me. She just sat there and waited until I was almost upon her and she pulled out. Looked to me on purpose, right next to the Police station as well. I wanted to give both of them a swift kick in the posterior!!! Not a smart thing to do in front of a extended cab 4X4 pickup bearing down on you. Parking lot rage!!!
Stupidity is rampant Buck, if the parents have the bad values, odds are the kids will. Foch, I think the guy was smoking a doobie before class.

" visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the sons to the third and fourth generation "

Unfair ? - Yes perhaps

Is it True ? - Oh Yes !
These idiots in Virginia Beach cleaning off grocery shelves, because of the predicted snow tomorrow. Already
schools, city and state offices are planning on being closed on Monday and the first snow flake has not hit
the ground yet. The Gov. of Va. has already declared a "state of emergency". When is snows in Va. Beach,
even one inch, the city shits down. Dumb dumber !!!

I think I know where your coming from Harrison. Vassili and I just got a fifty dollar fine from one of our Public Safety members, because we parked next to the dorm to unload our bags, since we stayed with our dad this weekend at a motel. I know there just doing their job, but it kinda pisses me off that they get people on traffic violations, but they can't get people on smoking charges, even though other students reported the incident. But, Vassili has already sent an appeal in, so hopefully, we won't have to pay.
Just extremely made at society, and even the smallest things are bothering right now, and normally I dont care....but its getting to me...

God people just suck....

Its funny how that happens now and then. Its not something you can predict.

Do you remember 'Falling Down' starring Michael Douglas ?

Good film - and I am not easy to please on the film front - mind you it did start to come off the rails at the end. Needed an upbeat ending really.
found out today the REAL reason why Jen and I broke up. Roughly 10 months and she dumps me for...get this not being a jerk to her, for not fighting with her and overall just being way to nice to her. I kinda lost it at that stage and almost shredded the tires on the car when I left my friends place because I was that bl**dy p***ed off
Woke up with 5 great big scratches down the top half of my arm. This isn't the first time it's happened but seeing as I sleep by myself I really can't figure out how it keeps happening?
Got into one hell of a row with three colleagues today, getting blamed for ignoring them when they need my help.
The problem for me is that when I focus completely on something I work on, the whole world can fall down around my ears, and I don't notice it. That includes people who stand right in front of me, trying to talk to me.
I'm trying to work on it, and not get so darned absorbed in whatever I do, because I know that it makes people believe that I'm just ignoring them and treating them badly, so we ended up having a good talk about it.
But damn, it annoys me that I can be like that, totally lost in my own world!
It bugged the s*** out of my ex too, when he couldn't get in touch with me, when I was sitting right next to him, and it has basically been a problem in my whole life.
Anyway, I try to work on it, and I try not get so absorbed in whatever I'm doing, but it's pretty darned near impossible to deal with.
ARGH! *growls*
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