What Annoyed You Today? (5 Viewers)

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Man, that sucks. I had the same once. My frontwheel broke off and I landed on my back, a few meters further (I was going fast ) Walked home ith a bloody leg. When I went back to fetch my bike, a few minutes later, I just saw a man riding awaywith my front wheel

Bottomline, Never leave your bike unattended in The Netherlands
We have small circles here in our streets and I tried to jump one and hit it with the back wheel and landed on my knee tearing off all the skin and damaging the whole knee with the bike landing on top of me. I got up with my bloody knee and rode the bike home. F*cked my knee for live and still have the marks to prove it.

Do not do crazy sh*t with your bike and think that you will just get over it!

Damn alex! I hope you get better and recover soon bro! I'm sure we have all been there man. I know I have!
He he he...

I love my dad, but he went to the US to work there and I got a break from him for the time he was gone, but now he is back and my break is also disappeared.
Money all sorted to puchase a nice new Nikon D300 in time for Duxford FL and the bloody TV goes up the wall so now the grands been spent replacing that instead. Story of my bleeding life this is, everytime I start planning things either work, health or domestics conspire against me. Oh and while I'm in the mood, just to start a perfect weekend my pay cheque didnt go into the bank on Friday. F-in stop the world I want to get off .
I just finished scanning and cutting out with photoshop 120 some odd pictures, and saved thems as .PNG. Well, we're using them for an electronic frame that can only read .JPEG. So now I have to open them all and save them as .JPEG.
Let my wife know that I wanted to continue working on a La-5 with my son when he got home. She yakked with her girlfriends so damn long that she ate up all my time to be with my son. Too late now, it's dinner time.

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