What Annoyed You Today?

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Manager decided to hold a fire drill just before a conference lunch was due to be sent out feom my kitchen.
Last time i knew it was a drill so didn't hit the emergency stop button and shut off all the gas to the kitchen, i got a bollocking for not following correct procedure, so this time i did hit the button.

Well allowing for things to cool down so i can re light all the stoves etc the lunch was late and they have complained.

So today i got a bollocking for following the correct procedure.
Unfortunately it is all too common in corporate business. I have rarely worked directly for a company for those reasons, I typically contract my services. Helps a little if you are not in a reporting chain, but still you can't avoid it all. Had a client that walked into my office and demanded that we move the completion date for a project forward by 4 months. No reason, just do it or be gone. I packed my desk up and handed back keys and ID cards that afternoon. He was so shocked and tried to convince me to stay. I explained that working for someone that could be that arbitrary without even offering a reason was not something I would willingly do. 12 months later I was rehired by the same company to finish the same project, that manager was long gone.
Taking a fall this morning, which was followed by a trip to the hospital. Banged my head and most painfully, my tail bone.
I'm sitting with a frozen gel pack against it.:rolleyes:

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