What Annoyed You Today?

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Unmasked co-worker walks up the the fridge in the breakroom, opens door, proceeds to cough 3 times directly into fridge while grabbing his food!!! Really, we have been in a pandemic for 2 years now!!! Even if we weren't that's still nasty.
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Messed up my lower back first thing this morning when I got to work. Tried to lift a heavy spool end from an awkward position.
Hope everything slides back into place soon. I can't bend over, and climbing in and out of the forklift is a major effort. :(
I feel for you, been dealing with chronic back issues for several years now. Hope your heals up quick.
Heart attack this morning. In intensive care now. One stent put in where an artery was 100% blocked. Tomorrow another stent will be put in where it is 80% blocked. They say I'll be out of hospital this weekend and off work for at least a week

Oh damn. Get well my friend. I am thinking if you.

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