What Annoyed You Today? (4 Viewers)

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Dang that's beyond expletive! Good thing nothing was missing.

Mi Flyer commented


I think the two of you are missing my point which is that greed, not taxes, is the cause of most of the inflation.

In Aus the government
, in a pre election vote grab, halved the taxes on fuels in March for six months.

The chart below shows the "margin" that the retailers add on top of their wholesale price. You will note that on the day the taxes halved the retailers jumped their margins from a typical 6 c/l to 34 c/l and then after a couple of hiccups when the government said it would punish price gouging (which, naturally, it never did) it went up to as much as 45c/l. That is greed pure and simple. Although the US did not halve fuel taxes I would expect that the only difference in the US is a smaller change in the margins.

The second factor affecting the cost of fuel is the wholesale price which is controlled by those in the futures market - not the cost of production. TPG is the cost per litre loaded on a tanker with all taxes and and other government charges added on. From roughly 105 to 225c/l in the last 12 months. You will note it took the best part of a week for the 22c/l to be applied - not instantly as it should have been



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Oh no, there is a huge greed factor behind California's fuel tax - none of it is earmarked for our crumbling infrastructure.
The sales tax and base tax both go to the general fund, where it disappears into various "programs".
They added the "cap and trade" carbon tax supposedly for carbon emission offsets and the LCFS carbon tax is going to pet projects like the high-speed rail project which starts and ends in the middle of nowhere. This rail project is grotesquely over budget and behind schedule not to mention that the person who landed the contract to build it, happens to be the husband of a certain Senator...
Spilling Milk on my laptop! That was my Windows 7 32 bit laptop with Fs2004! Now I'm using Widows Vista 32 computer! It has Fs98, Fs2002, and CFS1!

Christopher Tarana
My point is that greed
Well I don't call that "greed", but need!!!

They simply need to save some money for their retirement days!!! As well as cover their defalcation, money laundry and other dirty works; and most important one: protect their lives from the angry mob, in a sudden turn of events.

Not so much, just a few hundred trillion USD (or whatever currency unit, you use).

Let's be honest, that's not much money!!! For them, at least.
Reminds me of a certain PNG politician who came from a poor village. When he was ousted as PM after about four years he applied for a US self funded immigrant visa. Somehow a copy of his application showing he had well over US$600 million in US banks found itself on the front page of the newspapers. It was so expected it did not even raise eyebrows.
Question amigo, how can it be Bidenflation when it's happening worldwide?

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