What Annoyed You Today? (1 Viewer)

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What annoys me?

People being annoyed about being called out for obviously breaking forum rules. Marcel did nothing wrong. There is no need to make a mods job difficult, we are all adults and we also know the forum rules and agree to abide by them of our own free will.

There are plenty of other places people can get their partisan fix. I think most people here (I also base this on the IMs I get from members from both political leanings) are glad we don't allow this type of discussion.
Some of the members are adults anyway.
After 14 years of running a small business, the organization that runs the place I rent space is trying to run me out. The contract ends in December. My crime, I a contractor dared to tell the 20 something staff that I wanted to complain about something the staff did not do. I can only now talk to the supervisor who been there a year or the coordinator. There has been 3 in the past 2 months. So I look for a management type to talk about next year and find out they work 10 to 6 and no weekends. The building is open 8 to 8 and all day Saturday. Great no adult supervision. I am thinking about closing a 25 year business. I have not found the right new location for a part time job.
Michaels model selection in my area. Hobby Lobby is about the same.


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Michaels model selection in my area. Hobby Lobby is about the same.

I'm so glad we have a top store dedicated to Modeling. The place is huge and going strong.

Starting at the 2:25 mark…

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=balZGkTyl7k


Last week I made an appointment to pay my property taxes, today at 0940. You can no longer just go to the office and wait in line to do that; you have to make an appointment.

I arrived at about 0920 and found a long line going out the front door of the place, into the rain. Thankful that I had an appointment, I went inside and was informed that I had to wait in that long line in the rain to check in for my appointment. I explained that my appointment time would be over by the time I got through that line. The lady responded that they would accept being up to 30 min late for my appointment. I replied that I would reschedule and left. Once home, I wrote out a check for the amount, placed it and the payment slip into the provided envelope, affixed a stamp, and stuck it in my mailbox for the postman to pick up.

I have found that checks for such payments when mailed have a tendency to disappear on the way to the office or that they find some discrepancy and won't accept it, so I prefer to pay in person and get a receipt; I guess those days are over.
I'm so glad we have a top store dedicated to Modeling. The place is huge and going strong.

Starting at the 2:25 mark…

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=balZGkTyl7k

View attachment 747136View attachment 747137View attachment 747138

Looks like Scale Model Supply in St. Paul. A bit tidier, though.
Recently ordered (and had to pay for) a new rear number plate as the rear of our smaller car sticks out the back of the carport
so the plate has faded badly. I thought his was the right thing to do plus I didn't want to get be stopped by the police and
given a ticket for it.

No problem. Went in to the licensing centre, showed my licence and ordered the plate ($45 I think).

A couple of weeks later a letter arrived telling the plate was ready to be picked up. Reading through I found that the plate
may or may not be drilled correctly as different mounting types are now used. Not a big problem but not expected. Then
the letter tells me I have to show up with X number of ID verifications but the car license does't count. When I go in I will
be asking why I have to show ID for a plate only I can use and why the hell anyone would try to scam getting a single
plate anyway.

Next I got a message from one of my employers stating that they had been fined $60,000 for employing someone from
overseas who didn't have residency in Australia and was working illegally. I thought so what. Well, what ended up being
that the rest of us now have to prove our residency. i told them that I had a valid tax file number because I was able to
show that I was an Australian citizen when I first got my TFN about 300 years ago. An admin ponsonby decided that
previous valid approval given by the tax office wasn't good enough. I thought yeah,sure, just because you didn't check
up properly on someone else the rest of us have to provide all sorts of stuff that we really don't need to.

Apart from that everything is fine.
When I go in I will
be asking why I have to show ID for a plate only I can use and why the hell anyone would try to scam getting a single
plate anyway.
Several years back I went to the the very place I went to today to pay my property taxes. I got to the window, wrote out the check and was asked to provide my driver's license. Okay, did they expect me to write a bad check and then steal the house and take it elsewhere? It's not like they will have trouble finding me! The address is not only on the check but also on the tax documents! I had not even brought my wallet in, but the lady at the window smiled apologetically and said there was a new treasurer and she had imposed the ID requirement.

By the way, in California they allow you to make your own license plates in one of two different ways, one of which involves the use of State equipment while enjoying 3 hots and a cot at taxpayer expense.
Somebody knocked over my mailbox this morning. Again. Was not kids; a lady left a note admitting it. What I can't figure out is, based on the forensic evidence she would have had to have been driving down the wrong side of the road. Tilted the massive concrete base, so I can't just stick the mailbox on the sole remaining post. I guess I'll have to hook a chain to it from my 4X4 truck and pull it up straight. But that may be so fraught that perhaps I'd better call the cops and have them provide some blue lights to keep me from being T-boned while I'm doing it.

Also the little red "mail waiting" flag was shattered so I'll have to make a new one out of aluminum plate.

Amazing, how complicated it can be to just have the ability to receive mail.

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